“Storm Drain Silverfish was sitting in the bath listening to Rick Springfield's, (I wish that I was) ♫Jessie's Girl♫. Storm Drain was transgender (in their mind) and Jessie was her Oxy dealer and sexual surrogate, which... kind of made her Jessie's Girl in a ♫part-time lover♫ sort of way, but they-them was not entirely Jessie's Girl... Storm Drain wasn't even a girl so... we don't know what to call SD either.
Where did the name Storm Drain come from? Use your imagination. Storm Drain was the first (former) grandson and former scion of Alabaster Silverfish... of The New York Silverfish clan... who made their original money in garment bags; having branched into body bags after The Depression hit, they made a mint during the next war, and... are still going strong in the new 20s. Everything comes back around once it gets back around.”
No... that's another crime thriller that doesn't need writing. Yes... it's topical and timely, but... I have better things to do... like stare into space... as if transfixed by some mighty vision... that I might one day share with those getting muscle cramps... sitting before me and waiting. Well... as Rip Van Winkle used to say; “You snooze... you lose.” He's now the senior partner in the White House law firm of Winken... Blinken... and Nod (that's The Big Guy)
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