Geopolitical war is a proxy war(s) giving the people the chance to see through the lie, to remember individual sovereignty, and to rise up in the unity of humanity. It is all sad, bloody theater designed by the deceiving controllers to hoodwink the mind of humanity and achieve silent consent for its wicked agendas to enslave and genocide humanity. The solution for today is relentless love and bringing clarity to the lie wherever it pops out. [2000 dead in Nigeria - ignored by criminal media.] Eyes open. No fear. We the people.
Governments, agencies, institutions of all sorts have been infiltrated and hijacked by dark agendas that are not humane... and not human. There is no love behind these dark agendas. Now the living universe rises to over-wash all levels and dimensions with love from Source. Occupy Earth! Come back from Mars and Venus and all distraction! Return to innocence not naive. Stand! Love relentlessly with professional focus and personal authenticity. Remove consent from all harming ways. Watch the matrix dissolve!
In this now, spirit and physics are united. In this now, immense tsunami of love lifts all, radiant through galaxy and our star. In this now, Heaven is mightily represented in the patterns behind the veils. In this now, the veils of deception are crumbling. Mother Gaia Sophia ascends in this now, in vibration that leaves deception and darkness behind. Darkness has been a withholding of information by an agenda that feeds on life, and has no love. The walk through the dark valley with the shadow of death is ending. Perception is astonished, when exiting the cave. Watch your step! Ahh, the green and the gold and fresh light of dawn... I send this experience and invitation to all souls tortured and tormented by the dark and yet enacting its programs, unaware. This love is relentless. I channel it with care with my voice, and my word, and my drum.