Go to any organ of mass media... the daily newspapers... magazines like Newsweek... Rolling Stone... Vanity Fair... The Atlantic... all the electronic media... and the bobbleheads that read the perspectives... written by the people who shape them, and... if you possess enough objectivity... you will see that the people creating and shaping the news... are shaping the minds and perspectives of the people who sacrificed their objectivity... in order to belong to a demographic... that hopes to live unhassled... in an enclosed and safe neighborhood in The Hive Mind.
A particular group of mind shapers... and controllers of human action and thought... own The Media... 90% or more of it and this is hard... cold... indisputable... fact. They shape the minds that agree we must go to war... they shape the playing fields where children are a sexual commodity. They wave lures attached to hooks... that snag people into wind tunnels of guilt... fear... and desire. They are button pushers.
They create and present the news they want you to see, and redact and hinder the news they do not want you to see.
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