On July 22nd at 8:45am EDT we have a critical degree Cardinal Grand Cross Moonwobble with the Sun at 29°28′ Cancer opposing Pluto RX at 29°07′ Capricorn and both squaring the Lunar Nodes at 29°28′ Aries/Libra. Along with the Mars-Saturn opposition on July 20th, this Moonwobble is our big-bang introduction to the Aries/Libra Lunar Node transit and it’s also happening on the same day as Venus (ruler of the Libra South Node) stations retrograde.
What’s a Moonwobble?
When we talk about a “wobble” in relation to the Moon there are 2 types. The first type is the astronomical reference to the Moon’s 18.6-year wobbling cycle that involves the plane of its orbit and its Nodal points. The Moon’s orbital plane isn’t just this stationary-never changing plane in space. The Moon spins like a top as it rotates on its axis and it orbits around the Earth just as a spinning top moves around in a circle. When the Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic – the two points of the Nodes – it does this apparent wobbling/nodding, what’s referred to as “liberation”. This is due to the 1.5° tilt of the Moon’s axis in relation to its orbital plane, the 5° tilt of the Moon’s orbital plane in relation to the ecliptic, and the varying speed of the Moon along its orbit. The Moon’s orbital speed increases as it approaches perigee (closest point to Earth) and decreases as it approaches apogee (farthest point from Earth). The net effect of these factors is an east-west “wobble” (longitude liberation) and north-south “nod” (latitude liberation) perceived from our perspective on Earth. This is an 18.6-year cycle where the plane of the Moon’s orbit gradually moves backwards in the opposite direction (which also affects the tides on Earth) and the location of its Nodes move as well. This type of “wobble” is most commonly referred as lunar liberation.
The second type of “wobble” in relation to the Moon is the one we’re talking about here and is used most commonly in the astrological sense. It is connected with the cycle above but expands on it. In this context, it is referred to as a “Moonwobble” – what’s technically called “Lunar Node instability”. This is a phenomenon that was discovered by the astrologer and mathematician Carl Payne Tobey in the 1940s when he was trying to find a relationship between astrological cycles and outbreaks of insurance claims (specifically fires). What he found was there was a cycle that occurs every ~86.5 days (about 4 times a year) when the Sun conjuncts/opposes or squares the Moon’s Nodes that showed a statistical pattern of death due to accidents or catastrophes. Tobey started his research looking at the influence of eclipses but what he found was, as he wrote, “the eclipse might be of no significance” and that what really mattered were the conjunct/oppose or square aspects made to the Nodal axis from the Sun. In a sense we could say that all Solar and Lunar Eclipses are Moonwobbles because the Sun is conjunct/oppose the Nodes during that time, but unless it is an exact conjunction (which could only be a Total Eclipse) it is technically not considered the maximum (exact) Moonwobble. So while there can be a crossover at times, most Moonwobbles aren’t associated with eclipses and are their own “disaster cycles”. Moonwobbles are especially potent when there is a New Moon or Full Moon aspecting the Lunar Nodes.
General Moonwobble Effects
In regard to what effects these Moonwobbles actually have on life here on Earth Tobey wrote, “When the Sun is conjunct or square the lunar nodes there is human instability. People are excitable. They are more easily confused. Their reactions are emotional rather than intellectual. Something must be done about something.” Tobey’s friend Thane Walker observed this cycle and was the one to give it the name “Moonwobble”, noting that people got wacky, spoke and acted without thinking, and made irrational decisions. A sense of urgency is at an all time high and suppressed emotions that have been bubbling beneath surface finally erupt during these times.
Extensive research done since Tobey discovered the Moonwobble has strongly linked these cycles to freak accidents, fires/explosions, plane/boat/train crashes, severe vehicular accidents and pileups, severe natural disasters (especially floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and tsunamis), weird weather patterns, violence (especially mass murders), suicides, riots, acts of terrorism, personal and political upheavals, and other catastrophes where there is significant loss of life. Moonwobbles have coincided with events like the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in Northern China (largest loss of life from an earthquake in the 20th century), the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helen (the most disastrous volcanic eruption in U.S. history), the Oklahoma City bombing (deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history), the 9/11 attacks (the deadliest act of terrorism overall in U.S. history), the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Asia,, the most powerful in the 21st century, and the third most powerful ever recorded in the world since seismography began in 1900), the 2010 Gulf oil spill (largest marine oil spill in history), and the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami (the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan and the fourth most powerful in the world; the tsunami also caused the Fukushima disaster). Most of the greatest disasters involve other harsh planetary alignments to the Nodes, especially from the outer planets.
The exact effects of Moonwobbles and the advice given for them depends on the signs they’re in and other planetary aspects involved. If we had the capacity to input the coordinates of every city in the world into a computer and run those with Moonwobbles we’d be able to pinpoint the exact nature and locations of any upcoming disasters (as we’d be able to do with other planetary alignments) – but sadly, we do not, and that is too great a feat for one astrologer to do by hand. Maybe something can be done with AI to get us to that point in the near future. But I digress. As far as personal effects, if an individual’s chart is triggered by a Moonwobble they can most likely expect to be going through some major events in their lives if significant aspects are involved. Breakups are common during these times due to irrationality and explosive reactions damaging relationships. Some astrologers have even linked Moonwobbles to periods when people from the past come back around unexpectedly. I haven’t personally tested this but if that’s the case it’s, in my opinion, due to suppressed emotions that need dealt with in order to move forward with your life, especially if it’s a square aspect (squares to the Nodes are often referred to as “skipped steps”). At the very least, those who are getting personally hit by a Moonwobble need to be extra vigilant and careful to make sure that the instability doesn’t negatively effect them.
On a personal level, Thane Walker’s general rule of thumb was that any decision made during a Moonwobble would have to be revisited due to the emotional instability and impulsiveness involved. The general advice for everyone during these times is to step back, be a conscious observer, and do not react to any drama that comes up. Remaining calm and taking time before deciding or acting on things are key for these cycles. Moonwobbles have a Uranian quality to them so expect the unexpected and prepare to be as flexible as possible. I, personally, would strongly advise against long-distance travel (especially by plane, boat or train) or attending any events where there are a large amount of people due to the high possibility of disasters. It’s wise to have an emergency supply kit ready to go, especially if you live in disaster-prone areas.
CONTINUE READING: https://butterflyeffectastrology.wordpress.com/2023/07/19/july-2023-moonwobble/