You can't tell people the truth... not at any wide reach. They don't want to hear it. The Truth is volatile... caustic and corrosive. Lies are flammable and truth is incendiary. Do the math. People can get very angry with you if you tell them The Truth. You have to pick your spots, and... first off... it's likely to be important that you possess The Truth in the first place; even if you are going to be keeping it from them.
I don't purport to possess The Truth myself, but I know it when I hear it. I know it when I see it. It's some kind of an instinctive reaction that takes place in me when I encounter The Truth. I like it very much when I run into The Truth. This is not the usual response. Most people run in wild-eyed panic in the other direction, and you are lucky if they ONLY choose never to speak to you again.
Because of the devastating fires on the island of Maui, I somehow wound up tracking down a bunch of people that I had known in a former life. This led me to seek out yet more former lives. I have quite a few former lives, and it really shocks people that I am still alive, much less in such good shape. They are still alive too, well... most of them are, but... from what I saw, they are not in very good shape.
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