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JANUARY 2009 ______________



Crystal River


Dr. Robin Falcov



Common Ground Independent Media

Hey White Hats…It’s Show Time! America is crashing and burning! It's time to prove that you actually exist.

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Wednesday, 16-August-2023 22:52:32

Everybody knows The Plan: Trump and the White Hats (primarily patriotic high military officers and deposed patriotic government officials) allow the Black Hats (the deep state, the intelligence community, the Democrats, and the globalists) to steal the 2020 election. They do this to create a “great awakening” among the populace about the evil people who stole the election and installed the illegitimate, internationally captured, thoroughly corrupt, satanically motivated executive of the federal government that is engineered to literally destroy America. The disgust among the people for this installed government is supposed to build to the point (this is the “great awakening”) that the people will more than support a military takeover of the federal government by the White Hats that in turn deposes the Black Hat’s illegitimate government, sets in motion a constitutional process to restore the Republic, punish the Black Hat’s…destroying them for good...and, of course, then Make America Great Again!

OK, so far The Plan has worked. The White Hat public relations campaign based upon the nefarious actions of the evil Biden regime has kicked in big time and the people are aghast! Just look at all the great things that the Biden regime has done to turn the people of America against them, they have:

1. Crushed real wages by creating a massive inflationary spiral sparking homelessness and general deprivation among the middle and lower classes
2. Caused the country to go from energy independence to energy dependence (on adversaries) by cutting all forms of domestic energy generation…drastically raising energy costs and reducing availability.
3. Dramatically reduced food production thus raising food costs and creating shortages of food that will lead to famine in the USA; burned down and blew up over a thousand food processing and food distribution facilities across the USA
4. Unleashed pathogens and bio-weapon grade “vaccines” on the population that have killed and maimed millions…while destroying the lives of those who refuse to submit to this bio-warfare
5. Forced submission to “climate change” regulations and carbon net-zero initiatives that constitute economic suicide for the USA…destroying industries and millions of people’s lives
6. Used regulations to promote far-left socialist economic agendas that have caused economic stagnation, unemployment, and general financial loss to the economy
7. Turned our great major cities into crime infested, drug infested hell-holes where no one can or wants to live or do business
8. Turned our once great military into a giant LGBTQP+ social experiment at which our adversaries laugh

9. Provoked foreign proxy wars that could degenerate into a nuclear WWIII that could kill most Americans and destroy the planet (along with everybody else); also denuded our military of ammunition and weaponry, causing a national security crisis
10. Fully weaponized our justice system and intelligence agencies to totally undermine our constitutional rights and to become effective enemies of the American people
11. Imposed censorship that has severely restricted free speech and freedom of the press as “guaranteed” in the Bill of Rights
12. Imposed a surveillance state apparatus to monitor virtually every communication of every American in total violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights
13. In league with the international drug cartels and the UN, aided and abetted a full scale invasion of the USA by millions of illegal aliens from over 150 countries around the world…totally ignoring our immigration laws…including hundreds of thousands of military aged single men, many Chinese nationals, to form a fifth column army to take down the USA from within
14. In league with the international drug cartels and the UN, engaged in massive child trafficking, sex trafficking, and human slave trafficking, taking inhuman advantage of defenseless illegal aliens
15. Destroyed cities and towns across America by overwhelming them with masses of illegal aliens…shutting down social and medical services that cannot handle the crush…many illegal aliens have diseases never seen in the USA that infect American citizens
16. Created massive un-natural disasters like the East Palestine train derailment and fire that contaminated millions of acres of farmland with toxic chemicals and injured millions of people by toxins in the air; created massive wildfires that burned millions of acres and blanketed whole regions with “unusual” red smoke and ash; used weather weapons to create massive droughts across the southwest and great plains, wiping out crops and creating massive water problems; and just now, using directed energy weapons, wiping out Lahaino, Hawaii…all of these kinetic acts of war by the US government against its own people and their property
17. Acted to destroy the US dollar as the world reserve currency which will cause massive disruption in international financial markets and ultimately cause massive inflation in the USA
18. Acted to create racial hatred and division in America and destroy the American nuclear family by promoting gender confusion in our youth and encouraging all manner of sexual deviancy including transgenderism and pedophilia.
19. Finally, our election system is in a shambles…there is no way that the American people can elect their way out of this one…it’s who counts the votes that counts, and the Black Hats are the ones counting the votes now and forever more.

Yes sirree! The Biden regime has done the job that the White Hats hoped they would and you know what? The American people have noticed, just like the White Hats said that they would…heck, with America on the verge of total destruction the people would probably go for a little change of pace in their Black Hat federal government that has turned into their mortal enemy.

So, how’s about it White Hats, if you exist, you’ve got to have the people with you at this point just like you said you needed before you acted. How about proving that you do exist and you’re not just another CIA-Black Hat psyop created to keep the people pacified with false hope. It’s enough already…in your PR campaign so many have died, so many have been maimed, America is on the ropes…it’s the Titanic on steroids guys. Really, nobody actually believes that you do exist…most of us think this business about Trump still being the commander-in-chief and the continuity of government stuff is a load of you-know-what. What do ya’ say Juan and Derek and Dave…are you ready to admit it? Probably not.

It's show time, White Hats! Let’s get’ er done…or maybe there’s nothing there?


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