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Common Ground Independent Media

No Matter What, Don't Forget to Breathe

Posted By: Leathur
Date: Tuesday, 22-August-2023 12:59:03

Everyone can do some type of yoga, no matter your age or flexibility level. If you're uncertain how to begin check your local community college or adult/senior center because many of them offer beginning yoga for a minimal fee (sometimes for free).

I set aside 10 minutes first thing in the morning for Yoga. Before I make the bed, before I brew the coffee, and before I feed the cat (much to Ramses' chagrin). - Leathur

Luke Throop
August 21, 2023

It’s complex.

Hmmm… I currently have 30 articles open, from a wide variety of left-leaning and right-leaning sources. Those are the ones that made the initial cut, the ones that offer clues to the current trajectory of political chaos and, in my humble opinion, provide the best indication of what comes next in the great global circus.

Naturally, the question that comes up is: where do we begin?

Today, I want to start out by sharing my personal strategies for staying above the fray and not getting sucked into the doom loop. As I’ve said many times before, there is more happening than any of us can keep track of—and this fact is both well-known and heavily exploited by the ruling class elites. Their two-fold strategy is to a) keep us in the dark via censorship, and b) fracture our attention by flooding our senses with sophisticated propaganda that’s being constantly delivered on highly addictive devices. Altogether, it’s more than enough to overwhelm the average person.

Thankfully, you are not average, and neither am I.

Nevertheless, thanks to the inherent limitations of our shared humanity, we are all susceptible to this barrage of distractions and the corresponding sense of being overwhelmed. More acutely, we are all susceptible to the increased and sustained levels of stress that physiologically limit our capacity to process life, especially the political chaos.

The result of this is disastrous, if not predictable. The result is apathy.

To feel apathetic is to feel indifferent, to stop caring, to stop being interested in what’s really going on because it takes too much mental effort to process it all. In other words, apathy is the coping mechanism that allows one to compartmentalize the various facets of life that are competing for our attention. Apathy is also a sure tell sign that one is living in survival mode, and therefore not able to thrive in life.

And the truth is this: as tempting as it is to believe that the world has gone so bonkers that we no longer have the ability to live our lives, embrace our liberty, and pursue our dreams; in reality we still have everything we need to thrive despite the crazy circumstance—but to do so requires us to tap into our inner resources and remain grounded in natural reality.

That’s my secret strategy.

Thanks to the fact that I destroyed my body running around playing G.I. Joe, I took a long and arduous journey through a decade of chronic pain. By the time the VA wanted to amputate my foot, I’d been limping with a fused ankle for over a decade. The fusion was failing and the associated pain was inescapable. Every step of every day was wearing me down, breaking down my body, and crushing my warrior spirit.

I was in a dark place when someone suggested I check out yoga. My knee-jerk reaction was to scoff at what I’d always thought of as a New Age hippie cult, but in a moment of desperation I was ready to shed the doubt and try it out. I’m glad I did.

I bought a small library of yoga books and studiously applied the lessons on every page. If it worked, great. If it didn’t, I really had nothing to lose. And so it was, after tens-of-thousands of hours of yoga, I was able to not amputate my foot. I regained a new lease on life, rebuilt my body, and went on to help many others do the same.

During this experience, after I became a certified yoga instructor and opened my own studio, I began to see the deeper connection between mental and physical health, particularly as it relates to chronic pain and post-traumatic stress. Over the years I attended many conferences and gained several certifications in yoga for PTSD. It was here I learned many of the advanced modalities that modulate our inner workings.

Never in a million years did I ever think I would be into yoga, and never in a million years would I ever expect that this phase of my life’s journey would somehow become applicable to geopolitical chaos. However, after surviving the manufactured covid chaos and enduring several years of The Great Reset that is being thrust upon us, it has become increasingly clear that it is precisely these tools that bolstered my resilience to the ongoing psychological attacks.

CONTINUE READING: https://www.thetorchreport.com/p/tr-434-no-matter-what-dont-forget#details


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