I'll only censor the bad words from the ones I move upfront .. promise.. I might take out a direct verbal attack (in a response for the front page) but that is to protect anyone from backlash, not for me.. You all can post about the hooker on the corner for all I care... Let's just not get toooooooo explicit..lol When Raye asked me to take over for Brent (TangoDog)I wasn't sure what she meant by 'censor the bad words from the posts' and I began to censor the ones in CGI, too .. It wasn't long after that the futility of that effort dawned on me and I gave it up.. So yes, you can post all the good words in here.. :-)
Cath is still around and about, she has been involved in local Canadian politics more but she still reads here.. I do miss her whimsy!
I know what you mean about the fear porn.. Truly, there are days when I only read the headlines at RMN.. Or when surfing out and about. I get the gist of what's going on but distance my inner man from the chaos. All I crave lately is trees, water, wind and quiet.. The TV is turned off .. My evenings are filled with reading instead of flashing images.. Is that because we are getting older?? Or Wiser?? Dunno..
I did notice something strange while watching Netflix (over the past few years) .. I like old movies and old TV shows.. But if you watch them, they didn't flicker about from scene, to scene, to scene .. They were much more static. An entire scene might be shot from one angle instead of 6. It made me ask the question,... what are they putting in today's TV show images that our eyes don't register but our subconscious does???
Have a good weekend...
: I cannot believe I saw this. No real nothing to add, pretty
: much shot my wad on the earlier posts tonight, deep
: thinking gets boring eventually, but I'm really fucking
: sick and tired of fear porn, not just in the MSM but
: everywhere else as well fuck DAHBOO7, I will say that my
: energy and level of interaction with the world has changed.
: The dogs don't bark at me anymore, it's like they know I'm
: part of their pack, the birds don't squawk, they sing, the
: cats don't run, they sit and look. Haven't talked to any
: horses lately, but I think they'll feel the same.
: Life...for all of it's fuchupedness, is actully pretty damn
: good in these times of limbo. BTW Lynda, could I post
: fuchupedness and not get censored? I think it's a damn good
: term for a variety of bullshit encompassing daily detritus.
: USE if you wish, Love you both, how is Cathy from Canada
: eh?