Posted By: Morgan Date: Friday, 25-August-2023 13:33:31
The primary purpose of centralised governments and politicians appears to be to make the people of their nations as miserable as possible by passing stupid laws to soak them in every which way possible, amongst other thangs. Who's responsible for the Maui genocide? Probably the gubment, because the people killed were INCONVENIENT. Wonder if centralised gubments will even exist after the current mess hits rock bottom?
Those coming to the u.s. right now are jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. They are encouraged to come in to destabilise the social order (which was never very much to begin with, but. . .), and when their use is over, they are toast. Let's see where they're at in another 6 months, for those left alive. Same goes for blm, antifa, and every other burn, loot and murder org. Neither side of the equation needs psychopathic morons who give no thought to consequences for their actions around. They don't even do any research to see what happens to those whose 'job' is no longer needed. The military vets get thrown to the curb after they're no longer needed, and they've got it easy in comparison of what's gonna happen to the destroyers of whatever/whoever is at hand. Wonder if they'll end up as canned SPAM?
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