Jon Rappoport
August 28, 2023
PART ONE: Selling snow to Eskimos
Once I provided the necessary evidence to conclude viruses don’t exist; and after launching many rational attacks against all vaccines; I began writing about MINDSET.
Meaning: people refusing to look at the evidence and settling on official medical lies as their standard.
So here is yet another slant on MINDSET.
Imagine you have a business that sells a health product. You claim it prevents disease. You can make the claim because the full force of something called THE GOVERNMENT is behind you.
You tell a healthy prospective customer (known as a MARK by con artists), “If you take the product, you won’t get sick.”
He takes the product and doesn’t get sick.
There is no way under the sun to prove he doesn’t get sick because he took your product.
But you can say: “See, our product worked.”
It’s a fantastic business to be in. You sell customers something that HAS NO VISIBLE EFFECT.
Which, when you think about it, is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
It’s on the order of peddling an avid reader a gold star to stick to his forehead, which will give him “the power to continue to read.”
If I were an unscrupulous sociopath, I would be in the business of selling vaccines. No question about it.
The business of selling people viruses that don’t exist is the same. “Here’s something you will never see. Here’s a list of things you must do to keep this something away, or if it’s too late, here’s what you do to kill this something.”
As a card-carrying sociopath, I’d make sure I was in that business, too.
And if someone challenged me about either of my two businesses, I would tell them: “Guess what? There are 1000 billion published words you can read which prove that viruses exist and vaccines are safe and effective.”
So I have LITERATURE behind me as well.
Not only that, I have armies of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of little gnomes and highly credentialed mules who say: “The literature is conclusive.”
This is the ACTUAL landscape we are dealing with.
This is the business we are dealing with.
Breaking the false cause-and-effect chains in people’s minds—chains they’ve bought at the medical swap meet—happens to be one of the projects I’m engaged in.
PART TWO: The time I didn’t take a vaccine
It was the winter of 1958. I was at college.
Out of nowhere, we were told by the administration there was a massive and dangerous flu epidemic spreading around the world. And every one of us was at risk. It was the ASIAN FLU.
(It couldn’t have been, say, the Boston flu or the Nashville flu or the Des Moines flu. Because mysterious unfamiliar dangers only emanate from afar.)
So, we were told, we should all go the college infirmary and take a vaccine.
What? Huh?
I watched my fellow students trudge down the hill to get a shot in the arm.
It occurred to me we were being presented with a STORY. And look at the result. A college dean tells a tale and students line up for an injection.
Where was the course curriculum covering THAT?
Learning more about THAT could have been the most powerful “educational experience” in our four years.
But no. Instead we were being SOLD a story.
I moved on. I didn’t take the vaxx. I knew I wasn’t going to get sick from “the flu.”
PART THREE: What moves people?