Posted By: Morgan Date: Wednesday, 30-August-2023 10:56:41
They have a shelf-life. They also support parasitic, evil scum. I'm 61, and never had a credit card in my life. I also never lived beyond my means. It wasn't hard. Other than the moderately expensive pets I kept (One pet college student and one pet guitar player who is no longer a pet, but helps out with the expenses that I can no longer cover 100% on my own.), I've kept my gratuitous liabilities to an absolute minimum. After I found out the truth about things, I'm even more glad I did that. Why buy a house that you're actually renting from the government that chains you in a location? Why buy a new car. . .especially now; bein' they can be hacked for what costs more than what a house used to cost in the 1960's or even 1970's? I don't buy brand names, I don't spend money on pointless vanity items, I dress practically, of course we know how I feel about sprog which I made sure would never invade my existence in any way shape or form (GET THAT INFERNAL THANG AWAY FROM ME!), no cell phone, no telly, no other bills of any sort that aren't mandated by law, don't drive unless I have no choice, and the list goes on. Not much stress, either. All my discretionary time is either on the computer, or my nose in a book, being as useless to the system as I can be.
What would the world be like if the majority lived like that? Would we have 1/10 the problems we have now?
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