BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Oh! Their ears must be burning by now; “And you get a pineapple! And you get a pineapple! And you get a pineapple.” And the two of you... from what I just heard upstairs, get a spiritual colostomy. The Rock is not a very good actor. He's kinda like a showdog. He does okay... unless he gets out of his depth, but... his audience is no great shakes either, so... it all evens out.
Offal's audience is even dumber than his is. They definitely think the lights in the tunnel are two motorcycles.
Seriously! How do they not see what they look like? Both of them have enough money to put it all on their Black Rock... Titanium... Get-out-of-Dodge Free cards. These come with a diamond-rigged condom that fits over their heads so that no one knows what they are thinking. They already don't know what they're thinking so, it's all guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud!
Every scenario you see... going down in the camera-ready present... where no misstep goes unfilmed... is scripted by Mr. Apocalypse for posterity. McConnell's frozen moments... Fetterman's dress codes... Biden's Free Range Presidency... Kamala's cackling mosey... Admiral Levine with the junk in his trunk... are all celebrating the clueless and unconscious stupidity of Their Final Hours.
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