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Revaluation (RV) of Currencies

Posted By: DowzingDoctor
Date: Thursday, 14-September-2023 18:42:00

ReValuation (RV): Thoughts from a Retired Senior on a Fixed Income.

by DowzingDoctor (c)

I’ve been staying quiet in the background reading different articles and watching videos while recuperating from major surgery in 2022.

Now it’s time for me to share my wealth of information. I present only truth here! Some of it may sound unbelievable, yet I have lived through it. I was blessed in 1988 to be put on this path to study everything. As my article progresses, I give you names, books and websites to encourage you to do your own research as I have done for the past 35 years. I still research daily. Some things are new to me even now. The rabbit holes are never ending.

For starters, I am an early Baby Boomer – born shortly after the end of WWII. My father was in the Army in World War II. My uncle was in the Navy (too young for any war), and my step-brother was in the Marines.

As a woman expressing the desire to serve on active duty, they and my brother said, “Why?” I said, “Why not?”

So I proudly served as a Commissioned Officer and Medical Professional in the US Air Force for a little over 12 years. I resigned as a Major and a Gulf War Veteran. It’s the best move I ever made!

Before separating from active duty in 1991, I was introduced to a few meetings where I learned a multitude of subjects from soup to nuts.

The first was a small group - in 1988 - where I met and heard the author of a book about the funny money we still use. He is now deceased, yet his books and videos are still available (Eustace Mullins – Secrets of the Federal Reserve).

Another small group met monthly by word-of-mouth only. I started with them in 1990. Most of the folks involved were my elders who shared their experiences, memories, audiotapes, and reams of paper – since it was pre-Internet. It was through this meeting that I subscribed to a weekly newspaper that was mailed to me from a publishing company. When we got together, we did a “deep dive” on most of the subjects. We also met two people affiliated with that company, and one is a famous author (Dr. John Coleman – Conspirators’ Hierarchy; The Committee of 300). The publishing company evolved into a website (fourwinds10.com) for those who wish to learn more.

In the early 1990s, I also went to a HUGE meeting in Dallas twice a month. Since it was videotaped, people who had issues were encouraged to share with the group. We were all very aware of the 1993 Waco disaster. One year later on that anniversary, we heard some of the survivors speak in person.

Also in 1993, we heard from the key person and several farmers from the Great Plains who were involved in the lawsuit from the illegal bank foreclosures on their farms. Their lawsuit had finally been adjudicated – just not paid out yet. This became known as the “Farm Claims” – which was the start of NESARA. And the original wording of NESARA is: National Economic Security and Reformation Act. I first heard about NESARA in 2000.

Another great resource that I like for NESARA is: (pathwaytoascension.com) I know she’s real since we are both authors and have exchanged books. There is a NESARA Tab at the top of the fourwinds10 website, also.

In 1991, I attended meetings given by a former chiropractor. He invited several fascinating book authors to come speak to us. Two of them were: 1) cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton and 2) David John Oates (Reverse Speech). Another author who left us spellbound was former Marine, Dannion Brinkley (Saved By The Light).

Then there was a lady who created “Eclectic Viewpoint” – a forum of diverse perspectives. In her “cottage industry” she invited several famous authors to come to Dallas and speak on their subjects. She mailed us a postcard about every three months in the 90s. There were 600 people at one meeting!
I purchased several books and videotapes, and I still have some of them.

After leaving the Air Force, I took a sabbatical from working so I could attend those meetings, earn three doctorates and several certificates in natural health, and meet with a vegetarian group once a month. Through the years, I also wrote and published eight books, and was a speaker at a few dowsing conventions.

Based on the above, I made a business card that says:
“3M Networker” – Medical, Military, Metaphysical

FAST FORWARD to the RV - ReValuation of several currencies from several countries.

We Redeem Zim. We Exchange currency.

QFS = Quantum Financial System

QVS = Quantum Voting System

I have been following detailed information about the RV since 2018 through documents, conference calls and podcasts - where I interact with some in the chat room. Their frustration is palpable! I get it. A few say they’ve been waiting a whole year! Wow – LOL - I tell them I’ve been waiting 30 years! Then they stop whining.

There is a famous saying in the military – “Hurry up and wait.”

Another says: “All good things come to those who wait.”

Reflect - - if you will - - on what happened during WWII. Nobody had instant communication then like we do now. And people are still frustrated. This is testing everyone's patience.

I was invited to a home with a 20-something young man who sat with his smart phone in his hand and could easily look up the information. Instead, he said to me, “Just tell me.” I came unglued and said, “You have it at your fingertips! I had to go to the library when I was your age!”

From what I have discovered through the years, people do not know whom to ask or where to start. Sometimes I chat with folks just passing by and “drop seeds” – hoping that may trigger them to do some research. Most need to start by reading the history behind what’s happening, so that when everything is announced on TV, they won't be so shocked.

These days, there are so many long videos with so much disinformation and the click bait to get your attention. I’m extremely happy that I learned the basics way back when!

Do not believe anything you hear. And remember; the word “Believe” has ‘lie’ in the middle.

Whatever you read, check many sources. Or ask one of your elders.

Now - while it's quiet – is the time to research.

And I hope you do.

And I trust that the information I have given you will help.

All things will be revealed … just not on “your” time.

Focus On What You Want. “Where focus goes … energy flows.”

Breathe. Relax. Stay in the Moment.


“Dowzing Doctor” ©


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