Six months ago, counter terrorism expert Tao Braun predicted a massive die-off of the COVID vaccinated this Fall. Braun is trying to get the word out, and he predated Bryan Ardis in his determination that the COVID plandemic is based on venoms. Phase 1 was to get venom into the Vaxxed.
Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals Braun's prediction for "apocalyptic" phase 2 (which resembles a Margurg/Ebola infection) in this podcast:
Quote Bryan Ardis (7 months ago): "When the fall comes of next year, Tao's entire concern as someone who battles mass killings with biological weapons, his main concern ... the next weaponizing of venoms is going to create the die-off that everyone thinks they're seeing... This isn't the mass die off people are expecting. You are seeing casualties, but the mass die-off hasn't even started yet. The next wave of how they are going to kill the majority on the planet is ... they primed a huge percentage of the world to have venom injected into them with COVID-19 shots. Those who were vaccinated, in the fall, they are going to start aerosolizing venoms, and they are going to release them over populated areas.. subway trains, airplanes, middle schools, high schools, universities, hotels, and they are going to do it in the air systems. They are going to release vaporized powdered forms of venoms.. Only those who have been vaccinated will [be at high risk when they] inhale this venom into their lungs. It's going to hit the venom in the blood that's already inside of them... Aievoli sacs have the blood.. When the two venoms meet, the sacs will be shredded causing internal bleeding and scar tissue. AND ONLY THE VACCINATED WILL DIE."
Ironically, if Braun is right about the airborne particle delivery - not viral, masks might be important for the vaccinated.
Current list of natural antidotes that Dr. Ardis has mentioned, especially for the Vaxxed:
Nicotine (dislodges the toxin from Apha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor)
Mucuna Pruriens (velvet bean - natural source of dopamine)
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC - better than Heparin stopping unwanted blood clotting)
Vitamin C (IVC cured 100% in China early on)
EDTA (several studies show it can dissolve the spike/venom proteins - should follow up with mineral supplementation)
Glutathione (GSH)
Hydrogen peroxide (oral)
Ashwagandha and Licorice Root (blocks the deadly enzyme created by the venoms (l-amino acid oxidases) that were 20 times higher in COVID patients than normal populaton.)
selenium (200 micrograms)
Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine (affinity for the same "nicotine" receptor)
Ardis is still the lone voice among doctors warning that spike proteins are venom based (maybe because as he says, the coalition of researchers have written their own COVID books and don't want to admit they are wrong.)
A few articles supporting the venom theory:
Venom-Covid Connection with Dr. Tau Braun
Listen here:
Like venom coursing through the body: Researchers identify mechanism driving COVID-19 mortality
An experimental test of the nicotinic hypothesis of COVID-19
Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients
These life-saving drugs are made from deadly venom
The chemistry of snake venom and its medicinal potential
The FDA has approved SIX prescription drugs that are made from snake venom