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One serious question for Alex Jones, Mike Adams, and Stew Peters About Israel and the Jewish People

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Sunday, 22-October-2023 20:15:44

Surprisingly, some of the great names in the alternative right media have thrown in hook, line, and sinker with the most radical elements of the left including "The Squad" and BLM on the issue of the current war going on between Hamas and Israel. Great conservative pundits like Alex Jones, Mike Adams, and Stew Peters have all come down 100% on the side of Hamas, faithfully repeating every bit of Hamas propaganda that hits the news and regurgitating all the lies about Israel’s history that have been propagated by Israel’s enemies since its inception. They have even come up with a new term for those Christians who stand in any way in support of Israel, calling them “’zionist Christians” as if they have created a new, nefarious cult-like sect within Christianity.

Alex, Mike, and Stew have boldly come forward to challenge the legitimacy of Israel’s founding and thus the legitimacy of the existence of Israel altogether. Israel is viewed as the bastard child of a sleazy deal between the power mad “Talmudic Jew” Rothschild banksters and Great Britain to create a “Jewish homeland” from an area of the Levant called Palestine (which at the time was part of the dying Ottoman Empire controlled by Britain). So, while the British and French were carving up the Middle East in the early 20th century, creating new countries like Iraq and Jordan, the Brits and the Rothschilds figured out a way to throw a sliver of land to those rascally Zionists by way of the 1917 Balfour Declaration. That sliver of land ultimately emerged as the Jewish state called Israel in 1948...all after a European war that came complete with something that became known as The Holocaust.

Of course the Jewish people are used to people frequently trying to annihilate them. Barely a century has passed since biblical times without some nation state, society, or religion deciding that the Jews had to be persecuted to death, literally. So, when the modern state of Israel was founded and managed to miraculously survive an all out war immediately waged against her by surrounding Arab states, the Jewish people across the globe breathed a sigh of relief. There on the face of the earth for the first time since forever was a refuge…a place to which they could return and be welcomed and protected if mortally threatened by another nation-state, society, or religion…and know that it was a place where they could practice their religion freely, without threat.

Let’s fast forward to today. The Palestinians have never accepted the fact of Israel’s existence even though Israel has made multiple efforts to find a “two-state solution” where the Jewish state could live in peace side by side with a Palestinian state there in the Levant. Today the Palestinian people’s tag line is: "Palestine from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea," meaning no Israel and of course no Jewish people between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The Jewish people of Israel are not to be expelled from the land they occupy called Israel, they are to be killed, dead…all 7.2 million of them.

So here’s my question for Alex, Mike, and Stew: If you guys are 100% on the side of the Palestinians, do you agree with the Palestinians and their nation-state backers like Iran that Israel must be wiped from the face of the earth and all of its Jewish inhabitants must be annihilated, as in killed, dead? If you were really honest, given your stated positions that Israel is an illegitimate state and it has engaged in continuous crimes against humanity since its inception, wouldn’t you have to say, along with the Palestinians and the Iranians, “death to Israel” and death to all the Jewish people who reside there?

It is important to note that Alex, Mike, and Stew are always careful to assert that they have nothing against the Jewish people, it’s just the damn Jewish Zionists and their apparently wicked State of Israel that they can’t stand. So let’s engage in a little thought experiment…

Imagine if someone said, “I love the Italian people, but I think that the country of Italy needs to be wiped off the face of the earth and all the Italian people in it killed considering their history.” Sound ridiculous? Not if you apply the same criteria that Alex, Mike, and Stew are applying to Israel. The Italians did a lot worse than Israel ever did…look at the Roman Empire! How many indigenous people across Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa did the Italians kill, subjugate, and then steal their lands? They were tyrants and genocidal maniacs, but they are celebrated today for their contributions to western society. How about the way that they claimed Ethiopia as theirs in modern times and subjected the poor Ethiopians to cruel domination. How about in World War II? Remember that Mussolini guy who threw in with Hitler and the Nazis against the Allies?

Hey Alex, Mike, and Stew, you’ve got to advocate for wiping Italy off the face of the earth and killing all the Italians that live there before you even think of doing the same to Israel and its people. While we’re at it, how about the good ol’ USA…look at the way we treated the Native Americans...waged war against them across the entire North American continent, tried to starve them to death by killing all the buffalo, stole their land, and then confined them to “reservations” to rot away. Give me a break,

OK, Alex, Mike, and Stew, so what’s your answer...are you all in with the Palestinians to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and kill all of its 7.2 million Jewish inhabitants in the process? Be honest now!

MAX ...follow me on X (Twitter) @maxthemag


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