The Reader knows what Trojans and viruses are... those that have to do with computers. Existence is a computer, and the government... which can be thought of as a shovel or a hatchet; some kind of tool, and religion... which can be thought of as a sleeping pill or a cocktail; some kind of soporific... do what they do at the behest of The Money Men. The Money Men are those who possess the most money and are then able to outbid all others for the services of these two corrupters and enablers of action and thought in The Hive Mind.
Well... you know this is so because you can see it in action all around you every day. January 6th was an example... where those of influence... used the government to subvert a desire for clarity and greater freedom on the part of the populace.
I only bring this up because of something I was told some days ago and then told several times again... over succeeding days. “Visible... I have just set loose certain forces in The World. They can't be stopped or gotten around. They might take a short time to get up to speed, but you will see the effect of them shortly. When you see certain parties or vested interests acting stranger and wilder than at any time before, you will know it is my doing.
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