Following yesterday's posting, I got a comment from a reader at Smoking Mirrors about The Trump Conundrum. It has been creating a dichotomy (grin) in my mind for some time... this idea (on the one hand) that Trump is some kind of savior of America, and this Good Cop-Bad Cop game that seems to be taking place at the same time... well...
The person said; “It is interesting that in his first year in office, he was going to have a committee investigating vaccine safety headed by Robert Kennedy Jr. In a video RKJ talks about that and said after it was set to go, he received a call from Trump. Trump told him they were canceling the committee. And, apparently, Trump had received a $1,000,000 campaign donation from Pfizer.”
Then there is the Bill Gates interaction. Then there is his Klaus Schwab endorsement. Add in his mindless and slavish devotion to The Kingdom of Satan on Earth... his family intermarrying with a Khazar oligarch line, AND... his son-in-law's sweetheart deal with The Saudis. Of course, that last is no big deal. They are all in bed with each other... up there where the sweet air of real privilege is found, BUT... it does make me wonder why the people going after Trump are not going after Little Lord Fauntlestein.
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