Everything you see in The World around you is generated by the impact of the collective vision of The Hive Mind on its environment. First, there is Nature in the raw. Then there are the human elements of civilization and culture, and the impress of The Hive Mind is colored and shaped by the interaction of the planets as they move in The Heavens.
Civilizations rise and fall as they react to the biorhythms of planetary forces... setting the conditions and players in place... for the dramas to be acted out. These are all individualized expressions of The Dreamer, in whose mind we are all thoughts acting out in that dream. God is a serpent, and... sleeping at the central core of existence, simultaneously in The Wider World, and... in the individual separated minds seeking union.
All the restlessness of our human state is the result of seeking union. The immediate first option is sexual union... a temporary coupling... for the production of more thoughts... dancing through The One Mind that is dreaming it all in and out of being.
The presence of 8 billion people should tell you what the primary driving engine of the human mind has been.
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