We have ALWAYS maintained that The Apocalypse is a time of unveiling and revealing, just as the dictionary and scripture define it. In that sense, and a few others... we are a traditionalist. With some things... what you see is what you get... with other things what you see is not what you get, but... a time comes when the covers come off, and the curtains are torn away from the window. The Light floods the room (or your life) and one can see into and through things, and that is what an apocalypse brings us.
Here is an example of apocalypse in action. So is brunching with a busload of drag queens. Then again... The Pope is the biggest drag queen on the planet. Now he is fiating (is that really a verb?) his way to blessing same-sex marriages, and the troops are getting restless. It's one thing to do stuff out of sight. It's another thing to do it in the public square; ♫Why don't we do it in the road♫ (I hate that song)
In an apocalypse, people are revealed for what they really are, instead of what they are pretending to be, which is how it goes the rest of the time when an apocalypse is not in effect. People get outed AND... people out themselves. It's a package deal. The same way you can no longer hide things from yourself the way you hide them from others. Neither of these are going to work now, in... this... next... phase... which is steaming round the curve in the continuum.
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