When you make things look ridiculous... as in Satire. When you blow the perspective out of proportion to the actuality of it... which actually calls for Satire because it is ridiculous... it can cause both delusions and illusions to collapse in on themselves, and that is why The Devil cannot abide scorn and runs from your laughter.
We are seeing this in action now, as demonically possessed national and international figureheads talk about the population having to eat bugs... and fake meat, manufactured by a man who kills millions of people in third-world countries... for no reason other than him not wanting them around anymore. It could be there is no profit to be made on them OR... that they require certain resources to survive, but their survival cannot be justified in a world of dollars and no sense.
Do you really think any of the present-day Climate Nazis believe that there is a climate crisis? There was never a terrorist crisis either. Perhaps those seeking to turn the world into a nightmare... by way of Franz Kafka... could see that at some point The World was bound to rise up against them so they created a fear of terror before the public could get around to reacting to their dreams of dystopia.
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