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Common Ground Independent Media

Extrapolations in the Aether Pirate Matterium

Posted By: Gryphon
Date: Thursday, 18-January-2024 22:45:53

I love Clif High. He makes me think. As to whether or not I am an Aether Pirate or live in a separate Matterium is beyond my pay grade, it’s just the best thing I could come up with for a title.

So then, how does the Self Organizing Collective (SOC) accomplish the tasks of educating the normies without them freaking out while simultaneously increasing pressure on the Mother WEFers? Starting with the latter, their greatest fear is exposure. The sheeple exist and won’t be swayed. Thankfully they’re not needed and will figure it out when it’s all over. The rest of the normies are ready to crack, but I hypothesize it’s not because they don’t know the truth, but because they don’t think it’s socially acceptable right now. How do you push them over the Clif?

The proof must be indisputable and delivered in a way that people will talk about it and accept it immediately. So…, what’s the plan? We give them the rope and let them do it themselves. While they’re taking the slack, let them know the people are watching and their paranoia will do the rest. I initially had the idea of a bunch of people with cameras walking around in Guy Fawkes masks in the Capitol but that would be too controversial, be branded as a cult, LaDeeDa, debunked in the MSM, not socially acceptable. Next headgear with a personal camera came to mind. As a passive observer. Engage in normal dialogue but have no agenda, no input. A mobile live stream kiosk, a social experiment, or SOCExP. The platform, otherwise known as a person, should be relatively anonymous, no selfies allowed, it’s not about self-promotion. I thought of some kind of mask or veil but decided instead why not make it an Apollo type space helmet. A shiny ball on top of someone’s head. Visor up, you’re not streaming. Visor down, you’re live. You could even do some kind of 50’s SciFi silver bodysuit to stay in character. Because you’re just an average Joe doing his job which happens to be walking around Congress with a ball on their head. You’re not an activist, you’re an employee of the Social Experiment.

The kicker is to use Sharry Edward’s voice analysis tools as a color-coded sidebar on the livestream which is projected onto the back of the head ball for people standing behind to view. A real time vocal analysis that is mathematically based proof of truth. The Toro Caca meter. When it hits true bullshit level, a cowpie splats out of the bull’s behind. Like the chakras red will be low on the scale and it progresses up by the micro tones in their voice to the head chakra of violet. Truthful, sincere loving and honest gets a halo. I suspect most of us will be in-between the two. But the sociopaths won’t be able to stop lying. They don’t know how not to lie. They might be able to fool the process for a while, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

(If you’ve never heard of Sharry Edwards here is a great interview.)

The SOCNaut (Person in the suit) won't be able to see the scale on their back because they cannot be a part of the process other than a neutral party. Eventually there will be more SOCNauts, multiplying exponentially and visually apparent. Just the sight of one would eventually cause the liars to be so paranoid about being exposed that they will disappear and try to hide. The greatest reality show on the planet. Who knows, maybe the space aliens will tune in too.

The Mother WEFers will suffer a fate worse than death, public shaming and irrelevancy. All in a passive non-confrontational manner, no kinetic conflict necessary. Of course, they’ll try and pull something, take some potshots, a knife in the back, something like that. The bodysuit might need to be reinforced a little bit, and if the Naut feels physically threatened in a crowd, the suit explodes like a airbag and the Naut bounces away like the ball that chased Patrick McGoohan in The Prisoner.

The live feed would be free and reviewable, but if someone wants a clip to save it’s a penny a second. Eventually, the Nauts will fill other roles for people on the live feed, driven by online voting as to where they'll go next. People will pop on a helmet and walk around while they're out and about, taking on tasks for the online watchers. Go to a show, buy groceries in less time than online. Forget Google, use a person and they get paid directly for their time in the helmet. Who needs the middleman? The porno angle will need to be self-regulated, no participation by the Nauts, but you know the Nauts of Amsterdam will be at every window. What’s public is public.

Sharry Edward’s software, renamed SharrWare, will be the standard app for vocal communications with liars worldwide self-destructing in their own webs of deceit. People will be so freaked out about the truths in their own lives that the fact that history is a lie will be an afterthought and accepted matter of hand. Clif will be able to have massive amounts of metadata to run his language bots as the SOCExP spreads worldwide.

Because of the metadata the Altabots become so good at predictive language that people start to believe they bots are prophetic and the cult of The Oracle springs up. Suicides increase among them as adherents see the predictions as proof of predestination in a nihilist utopia. Eventually not even the bots can keep up with the language onslaught of hyper novelty and the cult disappears as rapidly as it arose. The bots are retained as a great tool for rewriting history when massive amounts of the Library of Alexandria are found to be stored away in the Vatican.

The employer who runs SOCExP is the newly formed Church of Woo incorporated in the Cayman Islands whose International Temple is on one square yard of land with nothing but one of those shiny reflective yard globes on a pedestal. A church that doesn’t exist, no dogma, no tenets, Zen without the koans, except for the words “Figure it out yourself mother fucker.”

That last concept may be a bit out there but you know some self-styled prophet is going to try and hijack the Woo so it may as well be nipped in the bud right off the bat. And it’s probably a temporal marker so let’s just get the show on the road.

Don’t ask me what lever tripped in my small mammalian mind to conceive this, but I’m willing to be the guinea pig, SOCNaut 00. Double naught like Jethro, because SOCNauts use binary. I want to be a witness to history and I’m ready for a new adventure. Plus I think this idea is just crazy enough to shift the momentum in a positive direction. In the theater of the absurd, laughter is the path to sanity.

There are obviously some things that need to be worked out as I don’t have the resources to do this myself. Also the helmet would have to be made, AI would need to be trained on Sharrware, comms worked out etc. I think Congress on Tax Day would be somehow apropos. If there are those out there who think this experiment is viable and want to help, or want to join me in a SOCNaut suit I'm open to suggestions and input. Contact me at SOCExP@Safe-mail.net.
To paraphrase Yamamoto, may the Sleeping Giant Awaken!

Sharry Edwards Vocal Prints


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