I can't get the scale of it... the amount of population... hundreds and thousands of people in places I never heard of... though... as time passes... I become more familiar with parts of The World, and I still... routinely... come across cities, and sometimes even countries that I did not know about previously.
I remember being in airplanes at night... in Europe... flying from one country to another, and looking out the window to the lights below. Sometimes there were smaller clusters. Sometimes there were wide stretches of light. I would think about the lives being lived below me... people I would never meet. Places I would never go, but the whole of it... here and... even in the distant reaches of space... all choreographed by a being with an intimate knowledge of everything coming... going... and standing still.
That being is the actual force of life in every living thing. Everyone I saw... man or woman... bird or beast... possessed a spark of The Divine Being. Everything I saw... Trees and plants... rocks and other solid matter... were all made out of the body of that Divine Being. Every living thing... every inanimate thing... was some adaptation of The Life Force for a specific purpose... often possessing of a destiny that reached far away... into the distance of time... forever coming, and... totally unknown to the one passing through it
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