Today we are going to reveal a great secret. It is known to some, and some who know of it... discount it... don't think of it in practical terms... see it but don't see it. It is our collective ignorance of this great truth that allows The Divide and Conquer Bunch... The Predatory Feed on Their Fellows Cabal... that little cluster of protected life forms who... actually need the protection... given how they behave toward the rest of us... to do what they do, and... to get away with what they get away with.
I am talking about the focused... collective... mental power of The Hive Mind... directed toward the common good, AND... directed toward those who would abuse us. It is one of the greatest powers there is... the power of the collective mind of humanity. There is a reason that The Powers that Were... reacted so violently that day at The Pentagon... when the protesters encircled the building and began a chant to levitate it
When the people realize that focusing the collective attention... of all of us... upon the predators... can result in their being rendered powerless.. then there are some changes that will be coming swiftly indeed. Also... there are those of The Good Guys... who are empowered with the immeasurable force of The Divine, but... who have held their peace until now... letting existence work itself out... along the Karmic continuum, BUT... the time is coming. The Time is coming.
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