Surely there are reasons why things have come to such a pass, and... surely... it has something to do with advanced Materialism and the abandonment of an inner life. What religions there are... are either completely under the spell of dark agencies... that have taken control of the doctrine... or have become ruthlessly authoritarian, and also under the spell of dark agencies.
Let's think of the former as being an expression of Luciferian self-will, and the other as Satan's Penitentiary of The Mind. On the one hand, we have flesh magnet transsexuals giving the daily sermon. On the other hand, we have Sharia Law. Neither of these inspires any sense of Higher Love, and Higher Love is the single pathway to the upper rooms of light. One drives us to ever-greater excesses, and the other clamps down tight.
Most of a person's perception of The World... near at hand or far off... is determined by Mass Media and Social Media. Both of these are nearly... entirely... in the hands of a Sabatean Frankist cult. It may seem otherwise... because the controllers of information are hidden from public view. We have... instead... talking heads and sleazy propagandists that appeal to each generation with a rotating stable of spokes-freaks.
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