I want to continue with the concept of Wanting and how it shapes The World around you. Materialism is a fire... that is whipped into a fury... by winds of desire. Wanting is inflamed... hunger is everywhere, and all carnal hunger is directly connected to the shared collective unconscious of every living thing.
Materialism celebrates The Animal Drive which generates material forms over which The Horned One presides. The Unity Principle of Eternal Love is resident with all creatures (here below), AND... is always stronger... though appearances might indicate otherwise, and... this confuses people which is ♫the nature of my game♫ The Inner Life being the stronger force is the reason for that line of scripture which says; “greater is he that is in me than he that is in The World”
The System that produces the landscape of Materialism... and everything it contains... is fed by this hunger... that acts like the fires that drive the engines of transport and commerce. The Fire is ALWAYS hungry. It never gets its fill. The more you feed it... the hungrier it gets. This is based on actual laws that control the movements, and... the creation of everything you see before you... on this plane.
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