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The White Hats Had No Idea What Was Coming, and No Answer For It When It Came

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Tuesday, 5-March-2024 21:09:16

Does anybody remember the months following the inauguration of the Biden regime when the White Hats, a group of patriotic deposed government officials and military officers allied with Donald Trump were supposed to be playing a geo-political 5-dimensional chess game with the Black Hats? We were told by Juan O Savin that DJT and the W-hats had the B-hats pretty much cornered…that the B-hats only had a few moves left in the great game before they were to be checkmated into oblivion and the Republic would be restored. Trump would be back in his rightful place in the White House, and all would be well again in the world. Hey, get your popcorn and enjoy the show! We’ve got this! That is what we were told.

Fast forward to today…the latest message from Juan is that it turns out that We The People are now somehow the White Hats. We are further told that there is no one coming to save us from the death and destruction that is now enveloping our American existence. We are now told that we better get our guns and ammo ready and pray for God’s grace because the only thing that is going to save the Republic is us fighting for our country and our lives in the streets.

Oh, and be sure to put in several months of vital supplies (food, water, medicines, etc.) because you are going to need them when the commercial and economic infrastructure of the nation collapses under the weight of our government’s full scale kinetic war against We The People, aided and abetted by a fifth column army of Chinese military “migrants” imported for the purpose. Of course our hand guns and rifles are going to be of limited use when the US government fully unleashes its directed energy weapons against the populations of the states that resist…as they are doing to Texas right now. How about those thousands of square MILES of wild fires! Ain’t they somethin’ now! What are you going to do about it when your town looks like a bad day in Lahaina?

What happened between those heady days of early 2021 when we were sitting back munching on popcorn and trying to enjoy the show and now when they are telling us there is no popcorn to be had and we’re no longer in the audience, but rather the only ones left on stage…and it is up to us to bring the play to a happy ending or die trying.

Let’s assume that there really were White Hats and they had a plan…what could have gone so wrong? I’m pretty sure that I know, and it’s not that I am all that smart…it is said that the key to genius is the ability to recognize the obvious. There is a tenet of war that you first must know your enemy before anything else. If you do not know and understand your enemy, there is of course no way that you will know how to fight him, or if you do go to war, whether you would have a realistic chance of winning.
My guess is that this is where the White Hats, if they ever existed, went completely wrong. They simply had no idea who their enemy was…I don’t mean by name, I mean to say what were their resources, how would they fight, what grounds did they already hold at the outset of war, and what would they conceivably bring to the fight to make sure that their victory would be assured. Oh, if the White Hats would have only looked at history they would have known…but they either failed to look back or they had so much hubris so as to believe that it would be different this time…for them history would not repeat itself (or even rhyme).

Here's what they failed to see or understand: the enemy that they faced, whatever you call them individually or in combination, the Deep State, the Globalists, fascists, communists, the Democrats, etc., are all made up of individuals who are psychopathic megalomaniacs. Let’s unpack that…a psychopath is a person who has no feeling for other people, does not think about the future, and does not feel bad about anything he has done in the past, and a megalomaniac is someone who has an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or thinks that he is much more important and powerful than he really is.

Psychopathic megalomaniacs have one principle that serves as the basis for everything that they do: the ends justify the means. It’s their golden rule…you do whatever you have to do to gain absolute power. There are no moral or ethical bounds to your actions…no Ten Commandments, no Geneva Convention, nothing. Think of the most horrible thing that one person could do to another, and think really hard, probe the depths of evil…and know that for a psychopathic megalomaniac, it is OK to do it if it results in the absolute power that he can gain by doing it. These monsters have now infiltrated every power center of our civilization across the globe and are now working in concert to kill 90% of the humans alive today (whom they categorize as useless eaters) and enslave those who they spare in a total, inescapable, electronic tyranny.

In the United States, psychopathic megalomaniacs head up and control our federal government including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, the intelligence state within the government, the military, and the administrative state within the government, the media, the entertainment state, the financial state, the corporate state, the academic state, and some would say even major parts of the religious state. Further down the ladder in all of these power centers are the acolytes who willingly enforce the wills of psycho/megalos on the people, as well as those who are just following orders and have no idea the evil of their ways.

History is chock full of psychopathic megalomaniacs who held great power over nations and peoples, and although many were brought down in the end, they ruled long enough to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions and kill tens of millions in the process. Just from the 20th century we have so many…the Bolsheviks (Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, etc.), the Nazis, the Maoists, the Pol Pot regime, the tribes of Rwanda, the communists of North Korea. The people who are running the United States and most of the “free world” right now are really no different from these scourges on humanity, yet the White Hats apparently had no idea who and what they really were…and are today.

Let’s go back to “The Plan.” The plan was that the Trump Administration knew that Deep State (the Black Hats) were going to steal the 2020 election and they let it happen. Trump and his patriotic circle in government and the military (the White Hats) let it happen because they wanted to show the vast majority of the US voting population how awful a US government run by crazed leftists (the Biden regime) would be for the people and the country. The Plan went on that the people would eventually become so repulsed by the crazed, leftist Biden regime that they would turn against it and its followers in the Congress in the 2024 election so overwhelmingly that the crazed leftists would be banished from the federal government forever and American would return to its proper state as a well running constitutional republic. Amen.

Now, let’s go back to my point. When the Trump Administration handed the country over to the Deep State and the Globalists in 2021, they somehow thought that the system of governance of the United States, indeed the country itself, would remain intact during the upcoming four years during which time The Plan would unfold. In other words, the country would have to operate in a somewhat normal fashion in order for The Plan to work its way “through the civil system” to get to fruition.

Of course, we now see that there was no way that this was going to happen. The White Hats undoubtedly had no idea that the crazed leftist people of the Biden regime and all of its operators throughout the government and the power centers of US society were uniformly made up of psychopath megalomaniacs. These were people who had absolutely zero intention of maintaining a civil US society governed as a constitutional republic. In a constitutional republic the people are sovereign…they theoretically hold all the power which they ultimately express at the ballot box on election day. Yeah right… the idea that these psycho/megalos would allow the citizenry of the USA to vote them out of power in a free and fair election IS JUST NOT GOING TO HAPPEN…NO WAY, NO HOW. TAKE IT TO THE BANK (if there are any banks left). END OF STORY.

The White Hats simply had no idea that the Biden regime would immediately upon taking power proceed to systematically destroy the United States of America as we have known it. They proceeded to create chaos throughout the society by upending the criminal justice system, importing tens of millions of illegal aliens to destroy our cities and towns and bringing down our social support systems, and sending our national debt into the stratosphere, debasing our currency, driving inflation through the roof thus destroying the American middle class. They are trying to kill us en masse with bioweapons they are selling as vaccines. They are attacking our food plants. our energy facilities, our towns and cities and our forests and fields with directed energy weapons. They are attacking our food infrastructure to cause mass starvation. They attacked the very idea of the traditional (biological) family, replacing it with sexualizing our minor children so that they would be totally confused about who they are and who these people who they call mom and dad are by the time they were six years old. Most importantly, they simultaneously gelded our military while importing a foreign army of over a million military aged men primarily from China and have armed this fifth column to take down America should it appear that there would be a hint of a national election in 2024…or any other threat to their absolute power.

If you want to know exactly what has happened to the USA under the Biden regime, just look across the Caribbean at the country of Venezuela. It’s the same people doing the same thing there as in the USA. Once these people take over a country, they own that country for the duration. Look at the Bolsheviks…they took over Russia and ruled it with an iron hand from 1917 until 1989, 72 years.

If there were any White Hats, they just never saw this coming…dare I say that they were naïve? They had no perception of what was coming and no answer for it when it came, and now We The People may be thoroughly and completely screwed.

Today is Super Tuesday of the presidential primary season. It is a charade. The delegate counts, the CIA analysts on cable news agonizing over the meaning of each state’s results, the speeches by the candidates…it’s all part of the show now. There will not be a national election in 2024. It will either be stopped altogether in a maelstrom of Deep State terror attacks on polling places carried out by the Chinese army brought here for that purpose, or it will simply be postponed forever by our newly declared national fascist government…the natural spawn of the current Biden regime.

Where does this leave We The People? It is in our hands now, and it is time to take to heart in full fledged action the words of OUR Declaration of Independence as follows…

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.



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