With very few exceptions... our world is everything outside of us, BUT... in reality... that is not true at all. Our world outside of us is a projection of mind images... determined by our attractions and aversions... to what our senses tell us... is outside of us. Because most of us are prisoners of The Hive Mind... we share a common world, most... of... the... time.
It should come as no surprise to anyone... with some amount of objective reasoning still remaining in their heads... that certain clever operators would see... profit and gain to be realized... from the fact that The World outside us... is The World we imagine we inhabit, even though we actually live in our minds.
Okay... yes. Everything inside and outside of us is composed (made out of) mind stuff. Chitta is what informs you of the nature of what you see and hear... what you feel... all the things that mind-stuff takes the shape of... so that you can identify and catalog it with your manas or mind... through the actions of your Buddhi or intelligence. I'm not going to get any further into terms and identifiers because... in The Relative World... the meaning of things is always shifting... evolving... changing from something, and then... back into the same or... into something else.
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