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Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Wednesday, 3-April-2024 15:36:14

In order to understand what is going on in this video, one has to step back and regard its message from a generic standpoint. This video sets out an attack on one belief system, Judaism, by another belief system, Christianity. Religions are belief systems or more specifically religious belief systems. Belief systems may be defined as “structured sets of principles or tenets held to be true by individuals or larger groups, encompassing aspects such as morality, life purpose, or empirical reality.” Religious belief systems may be further defined as belief systems “that explain the origins of the universe, the existence of gods, and can set out moral codes.” [definitions provided by helpfulprofessor.com]

The “Why They are Not God’s Chosen People-2024” video’s basic message is that the religious belief system called Judaism as practiced and understood today by practicing Jewish people is not only fraudulent and completely invalid, but is satanic at its core. The video claims that the Christian belief system is the true inheritor of the original Israelite belief system as described in the Bible, not the Judaic belief system. Finally, the video claims that virtually all the modern Jews who are supposed to be controlling the world today are “atheistic Jews,” which is kind of curious because you can’t be an atheist and a believer in the Judaic belief system at the same time. Anyway, let’s examine how this video got to its conclusions.

I have to hand it to the producers of the video, they go to great lengths to find real historical justification and seeming written documentation for their points. They extensively quote both Judaic and Christian scripture and liturgical texts and accurately trace the geo-political course of the Israelites and the course of empires that have roiled the Middle East (more specifically the “Holy Land” of Judaic belief) for millennia. The producers even accurately trace the course of Judaic practice after the destruction of the Second Temple from a temple based, priestly religion to a service-based religion led by rabbis who are ordained as teachers and interpreters of Jewish law.

What must be realized as a starting point is that most any clever person can find enough events in history and writings of the past and string them all together to validate any narrative that one wants to project. As a matter of fact, most, if not all religious belief systems are based on just such a combination of selected events and writings of the past that no one can really verify. People take on belief systems on the basis of faith, as in, “I believe this because I believe as a matter of faith that this or that actually happened and that whatever happened meant this or that.”

Christians, Jews, and Muslims all take on faith extremely seminal events of their religions for which there is absolutely no independently verified, contemporaneous proof whatsoever that they happened. There is no contemporaneous, verified historical record of the existence of Jesus. There is no contemporaneous, verified historical record of the Prophet Muhammad being visited by the angel Jibril, who revealed to him the beginnings of what would later become the Qur'an. There is no contemporaneous, verified historical record of the whole Exodus story of the Israelites. All of these events and the people who participated in them that are respectively the basis of the religious belief systems of Christians, Muslims, and Jews are believed as absolutely true as a matter of faith by their adherents BECAUSE they demonstrate and underlie the core esoteric beliefs of the belief systems. One of the synonyms for “religion” in the English language is “faith.”

So, for the Christian producers of the subject video to just annihilate the whole Judaic belief system (religion) on the basis that none of the core beliefs that Jews hold as a matter of faith could possibly be valid is the ultimate example of the old saying about “the pot calling the kettle black.” It could be argued that the Christian religion is more based upon pure faith than Judaism is any day of the week. The simple fact is that all three Abrahamic religious belief systems are chock full of events that are truly miraculous and people that regularly perform miracles all to illustrate and validate the belief systems themselves…and again, there is absolutely zero independent, contemporaneous, verifiable proof that any of these things actually happened. These beliefs are all taken on faith and therefore cannot be denied by those who do not take them on faith.

Now, how does this all get back to the purpose of the video under discussion? It is obvious that the purpose of the video is to convince Christians that their religious belief system is not only eminently valid in comparison to an eminently fraudulent Judaic belief system, but that the Judaic system from which Christianity is said to have sprung really has nothing to do with Christianity…except that Judaism was really Christianity from the start, and that what became Judaism is an illegitimate, later formed satanic based sect of Christianity. How about that!

So, let’s get to the point. The video says that everything that Christians take as a matter of faith is absolutely true, and everything that the Jews take as a matter of faith is absolutely false. The video concludes with multiple examples of contemporary atheists who identify as Jews as absolute proof of this concept concerning faith. Belief in God is the central tenet of the Jewish faith, so how can an atheist claim to be an adherent to the Judaic belief system? This is where the video shows its true colors…it’s just another in a centuries old tradition of Christians doing hit pieces on Judaism designed to discredit the religion and generate hatred towards it and its adherents.

I don’t know why some Christians find it necessary to do this…atheists love to do it as well. My guess is that they lack sufficient faith in their own belief systems (yes atheists have a belief system too) and find that in order to reinforce their own faith they must attack the “other.” There is no other purpose that I can see in this and it is a common phenomenon throughout history where one religion that claims absolute truth turns on another religion that believes in another truth. The first religion cannot tolerate the presence of anyone who does not ascribe to its beliefs because those other beliefs could cast doubt upon the first religion’s beliefs. Therefore, the other, non-compliant religion must be demonized and its adherents either converted or destroyed. This is what the subject video is made out to do.

I personally take the attitude that whatever you believe is fine as long as whatever you believe does not impact on my ability to believe whatever I want to believe. Got that? I respect your religious faith, you respect mine and we’re all good. Other’s faith is not something that anyone should ever challenge unless it commands that the faithful do something that is generally accepted by society as horrific or criminal (like human sacrifice).

So I say to the producers of the video, WHY THEY ARE NOT GOD's CHOSEN PEOPLE – 2024, stick to building faith in the belief system of Christianity among its adherents and just leave Judaism and the Jewish people alone. Judaism does not seek to discredit or threaten Christianity or Islam or any other religious belief system. Jews do not consider themselves to be superior to any other group of humans. Observant Jews do believe that they have a special mission to make a holy place on Earth where God can interact directly with mankind, but that’s it. The chosen thing is all about perceived responsibility, not about some superiority complex. Got it?

There are good Jews and bad Jews just like there are good Christians and bad Christians…that is the human condition. There are people who call themselves Jews but have nothing to do with the Jewish faith just like there are people who call themselves Christians that have nothing to do with the Christian faith…that is the human condition. Let’s not say all Jews are bad because of some bad apples and let’s not say that all Christians are bad because of some bad apples.

You do your thing, we’ll do ours. You respect our faith, we’ll respect your faith and we’ll all get along. Sounds like a plan!



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