So, there is a 'ghost' in their CERN machine, and they plan on doing something with it on April 8th. This and the NASA "Sound Rockets" are up to no good. The Cern agenda has been studying the effects of Resonance (frequencies that tend to attract), and their 'ghost' which is thwarting natural resonance. NASA's 'Sound Rockets' are blasting out sound frequencies and I'm wondering if this is to open the abyss or 'ghost portal'. The fact that Cern has a 'ghost' and NASA has named it's "Campaign Apophis" after the cosmic world serpent from ancient Egyptian cosmology and continues on explaining in their words on their website that "The serpent pursues the sun god Ra, and every so often nearly consumes the sun disc, resulting in an eclipse", sounds very much like a satanic ritual to me. Just like any sizeable public gathering or focus, this is when they do their majik in plain site....and many will be looking through dark glasses into what appears to be dark matter while the moon blots out the sun. I pray Jesus Christ protect us from these attempted evil agendas and shut down their ghost in the machine and any attempts to release it on the masses! In Jesus Holy Name, We Pray!!!