Recent times have been a real eye-opener for me. I used to hear about a Phoenician Dynasty. Now I hear about a Venetian Dynasty, and I'm pretty sure that both of these are blinds cooked up by the people who actually are running things behind the scenes... or are allowed to think that they are... for a little while... until The Purpose of Demonstration shows up.
I am fortunate that... on several occasions... I was allowed behind the curtains of material appearances to get a look at the hierarchies that contain and control the two areas that both manipulate and inspire The Human Experience. I'm speaking of The Supernal and Infernal governments that rule The Hive Mind from different locations. One involves an angelic hierarchy. The other involves a demonic hierarchy, and it's pretty much a choice that each of us makes... which of these is to be the ruling authority in our lives.
In Times of Material Darkness, the pull of carnal enterprises and material things is quite strong, so... most people... possessed of weak wills... are easily led into traps where they are bled dry and discarded. The fires within eventually consume the one who hosts them, and one either desires or aspires. If you are descending into The World of Appetites, you will be chewed up and digested by them. If you are moving out of The World of Appetites... these same fires fuel your escape... in similar fashion to how booster rockets work.
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