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What's wrong with Clif High?

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Saturday, 27-April-2024 21:38:38

Let’s stipulate one thing from the beginning…Clif High is a really smart and talented dude. He’s a great computer programmer, an incredible linguist who is competent in multiple languages, a superb critical thinker, a learned historian, an accomplished scientist and inventor, and most importantly, a really handy guy around the house…he can build stuff and fix just about anything that breaks…a true renaissance man. In fact, Cliff believes that he himself is so, so incredibly, fantastically, magnificently brilliant that he has declared that he knows The Answer.

The Answer to what you may ask. Here I must revert to Douglas Adams’ fabulous satiric novel “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” in which the supercomputer Deep Thought is asked to find the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. Deep Thought revealed the Ultimate Answer to be 42. Right, 42, a completely unsatisfying answer that you might expect from a supercomputer. Well, we don’t have to rely on some silly supercomputer right here in 2024 for the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything… even though we have a bunch of them to ask. Why, we can just ask Clif High and he will tell you The Answer, exactly!!

In fact, Clif is so sure that he knows The Answer that he will tell you that he and a bunch of his similarly gifted buddies whom he lovingly refers to as “old farts” are knowledgeable and inciteful beyond and above all of the greatest thinkers, philosophers, theologians, cosmologists, astro-physicists, astro-biologists, and astronomers of Western Civilization (and maybe Eastern Civilization as well). How does this small society of Clif and the Farts know that they are smarter than Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Archimedes, Pythagoras, Galileo, DaVinci, Moses, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, and Einstein (who Clif dismisses because he was Jewish), and all of the great writers and interpreters of the Abrahamic religions through the ages? It’s simple… Clif and the Farts actually know The Answer, while all of the other solons have either completely failed at figuring out The Answer or have come up with The Wrong Answer.

OK, OK, so what is The Answer according to Clif? First, forget about everything you think you know or have been told about the origins and dimensions of the Universe, space, and time. Forget about everything that you think you know about the origins of life…everything.

OK, now Clif tells us that everything that we know to exist, inanimate and animate alike, was called into existence by something called “Consciousness.” Consciousness is like, you know, consciousness. Why did Consciousness bring everything, what Clif calls the “matterium,” into existence? Well, it brought the matterium…all matter, all energy, life, space, whatever…into existence because it was bored. Yes, bored. Consciousness needed something to entertain itself even though it was what it was.

So, Consciousness created what we know as time and space and the Universe and everything in it…the stars, the planets, the galaxies…and it planted something called life and living things in the Universe to cause things to happen that would be REALLY entertaining (as in really relieve the boredom) by doing things that were “novel.” In fact, the living things created by Consciousness were expected to do things that were so novel that they would achieve something that would be “hyper- novel” or achieve “hyper-novelty.” For Consciousness hyper-novelty occurring out there in the Universe was the ultimate entertainment…think Cirque du Soleil, a Taylor Swift Concert, the Super Bowl, and July 4th fireworks all rolled up into one! So, on the stage of planet Earth, what have we humans done that is really novel to entertain Consciousness? Well, how about world wars, great depressions, genocides, and Mad Max style societal collapse! What could relieve Consciousness’ boredom better than watching humanity self-destruct?

According to Clif this hyper-novelty would have to be orchestrated on Earth by extra-terrestrials called El’s who came to Earth for the purpose of causing mayhem by capturing and enslaving the Jews to do their dirty work! Yes, that’s right, according to Clif, everything that has happened bad on the Earth is the fault of the Jews who have been doing the bidding of evil extra-terrestrial El’s or Elohim (the Hebrew plural) for millennia. In fact, Clif has renamed the Jewish religion “the Elohim Worship Cult” and gone onto debase its derivative monotheistic religions of Western culture, Christianity and Islam, as false and meaningless due to their origins in the illegitimate Elohim Worship Cult called Judaism. So, according to Clif, everything that he hates and everybody else hates and has hated about the Jews down through the ages has been entirely justified! All the Jew-hatred makes sense because the Jews were the ones facilitating the hyper-novel events of death and destruction done for the purpose of entertaining Consciousness…the source of Everything.

To summarize, in the beginning there was Consciousness and Consciousness created everything…time, space, the Universe, and life. Consciousness created everything (the matterium) because it was bored and needed entertainment in the form of novelty, or preferably the highest form of novelty, hyper-novelty. Consciousness looked to life forms of the Universe to create hyper-novelty to relieve its boredom. Consciousness found that our Earth and its human inhabitants could be conjured into doing extraordinarily novel acts of self-destruction for its entertainment if instigated to do so by the Elohim working with the Jews. The humans of Earth have provided continuous hyper-novel entertainment for Consciousness for millennia and shall go on doing such forever…or until humans completely wipe themselves out of existence in the ultimate act of hyper-novelty.

So, that’s The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything according to Clif High (and the Farts)…in a nutshell. I’ll bet that you thought that it would be much more complicated given that it was figured out by an uber-genius like Clif High. I mean, look at the creation stories and historical, spiritual, and intellectual development of Judaism and Christianity… now that is complicated!

The interesting thing about all this is that Clif’s Consciousness being that is the creator of all creation bears a somewhat of a resemblance to the Judeo/Christian God who is also conceived as the source of all creation. From that point on Clif’s concept of an “omni-creator” and the Judeo-Christian concept of an omni-creator diverge radically. This is why most practicing Jews, Christians, and Muslims would regard Clif’s Answer as just another religious concept that could be or could not be depending on one’s point of view and one’s faith. Religions are largely belief systems founded on faith in generally unprovable concepts and occurrences. Clif can’t prove his creation story and the existence of his being that did the creating any more than Jews and Christians and Muslims can prove their religions’ creation stories and the existence of their God. But Jews and Christians and Muslims have developed a personal relationship with their God and have faith that He is real and is a part of their lives…and a force for good in the world. Clif’s god figure has no connection to humanity whether spiritual or otherwise…whatever Consciousness is in Clif’s estimation; it is just an “it” that fits into a pseudo-scientific paradigm of existence that has nothing to do with anything positive or constructive in regards to the human experience.

This is why most of us who are practicing Jews or Christians or Muslims will find Clif’s Answer to be meaningless and irrelevant to our lives just like Douglas Adams’ supercomputer Deep Thought’s “42” is meaningless as The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. Maybe Clif knows…who knows? He’s a brilliant guy, but nothing that he says can be taken on faith by those who ascribe to the Abrahamic religions. Why? Because man is ultimately a spiritual being, and an existence or creation paradigm that does not have a spiritual element that relates directly and positively to the human condition just doesn’t fly with us.

In Clif’s faith, humanity merely consists of masses of gladiators eternally fighting to the death in the grand of coliseum called Earth, solely for the entertainment of Consciousness. The more blood and gore, the more pain and suffering, the more novelty to the mayhem among the humans, the more entertained and thus the less bored Consciousness is. Consciousness will be maximally entertained if and when humanity completely self-destructs…the ultimate in novelty.

The God of the Abrahamic faiths is perceived by believers in Him as a creator figure that is primarily interested in humanity achieving an ethical/moral completeness that culminates in an ultimate spiritual self-actualization in His realm on Earth. That is the basic purpose of His creation, and our faith in Him is the key to the realization of the spiritual goal for which He is supposed to have put us here.

So, there you have it…two completely contradictory belief systems about The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. For most philosophical thinkers, neither system is a matter for objective proof, but rather both are matters of faith. Of course, Clif will tell you that he does have absolute proof that his belief system is the proven and absolute truth and all other belief systems are not only not true but are absolutely fraudulent. This why in his writings Clif never capitalizes the words Judaism or Christianity as he considers those faiths to be not deserving of any respect…nor of course for the followers of those faiths. I presume that this also applies to the Islamic faith.

What hubris! What narcissism! What egotism! Hey Clif…it’s fine that you think all this stuff about Consciousness and the matterium…it’s your right and more power to ya’. But, you don’t know any more than any other human being on Earth what is The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. For you to declare that your “sci-fi” belief system IS the ultimate truth and that all the other belief systems on Earth are totally wrong and fraudulent is not the thinking of a rational being. Rational thought encompasses faith in a manner that allows for acknowledgement of the supernatural, and the supernatural is not objective. Rational subjective thought allows for an infinite amount of religious belief system constructs simply because nothing can be proven…everything is a matter of faith including your belief system. You can wrap all the seemingly objective scientific thought around your belief system, but you cannot and will not ever be able to prove any of it.

So, cool your jets Clif. There’s a possibility that you may be right about everything you say, but stop declaring that your belief system is objectively factual because there is no way to prove it. Stop insulting and disrespecting other people’s religious belief systems. Other people’s belief systems are as much based on faith as your own. You believe what you want to believe and we’ll believe what we want to believe and everybody will be just fine if we leave it at that.

Everyone has the right to take on faith what he wants to take on faith.



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