Posted By: Morgan Date: Wednesday, 1-May-2024 08:07:12
Why is it so important to so many people that we are HERE? From the moment you are born, you are a SLAVE. You're a slave to your body, you end up a slave to circumstances, and all the bad decisions you make, and more. You are perpetually inconvenienced,
you are denied TRUTH, you are a victim of circumstance, and you have to have a gazillion things killed for you so you can maintain the meat suite, not to mention tons of innate abilities are stripped from you. This place is repulsive, compared to the better half of the Otherside. (I am NOT a fan of bladders, intestines, and am beyond ecstatic I'm not troubled with goin' on the rag anymore, not to mention a long list of other things.) You are also programmed to fit into thousands of dysfunctional societies that do not take your best interest to nostril. (HEY! I'M A MEMBER OF THE HOLEY ORDER OF THE SEPTUM, OKAAAAAAY?!)
I'm so glad I don't play by the rules of the status quo. It makes my sojourn in the (clogged) sewer main so much easier. And if you follow the status quo, you will be dealt with as little as possible by moi. I don't have time for that rubbish.
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