The sheep spend their whole life afraid of the wolves only to wind up being eaten by the shepherd. Once you understand this... the game changes, and you can understand politics.
Now there's a nice start to the day! Did you know that around 300 years ago, British royalty ate human flesh? It was a not uncommon trend among the aristocrats and the rich. It was called corpse medicine. Of course, The Gutter-Slime Press is shrieking about cannibalism. I have no doubt that some amount of that was... and is... always going on, BUT it turns out that the article... as usual... is misleading.
This is yet one more indication of the protracted delusional state of the medical community. They used to bleed people who were already weak from some malady. They have this habit of being in the right ballpark about something, but completely wrong about the nature of the game being played there. Yes... the poisons are in the blood, BUT... that is not how you get them out.
Are you surprised that they march in lock-step... through one horrible practice after another... still? This same programmed blindness exists in Religion, which once tortured confessions out of people and then burned them at the stake. The Lie that developed over time... following these practices... was that they were being done to the people who were actually doing them. It is a lot like how the revisionists now portray Bolshevik Russia. However... ♫Torquemad-oh was a Marrano♫
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