Hello readers,
In reading about the meeting between Col. Kurtz and Gen. Smith if factual.
Here are a few points that both sides should take into account.
Q 1. Should of the people suffered as we have for so long when solutions though not always pretty and escapable of collateral damage be presented?
A. Well when it comes to that, was it wrong in creations and the divine,s eyes for waiting so long to do action even though collateral damage has been reasonable at the white Hats hands....well to a degree.
Yes prolonged suffering of the innocents is wrong when there are forces capable at defeating them in Creations eyes, but also the controlled implosion and exposure of the DS players is also crucial when it comes to game theory and Art of War.
When these entities implode from the inside out it is always more beneficial then straight up force, some of these things have been embedded for so long that a self implosion is the only thing that will wake the sleepers, because they will have no other choice then to accept the truth or be categorically insane (there are a lot of those).
The problem is that the White Hats under estimate the ratio between the comatose people and the actual awake/ awakened but fearful of the repercussions. There is more awake/awakened but fearful people then they realize, we are clearly the majority.
Q. Does the Red Hats actions interfere with the Art of War 5D chess strategy of the White Hats.
A. Only somewhat. Reason being some of the people they execute are actually good guys doing the job of infiltration also if that a group like the Red hats and their forming was overlooked then that is the fault of the White Hats because there was a %80 probability a group like that would form with the current White Hat strategy.
There are downsides to the strategy that they are using as well as many good sides, if you look at Military law and the effect of enemy combatants, instant execution is allowable upon contact unless there are standing orders of quarter to be given upon those that surrender or are captured, its pretty clear on that point.
Now comes in the militia, which is essentially the Red Hats.
In military Law if the militia are not folded under a "regular's" commands then each can determine the correct course of action whether it is execution or quarter granted, it falls under the commanding officer of the militia and not the regulars. Even if the Regulars disagree there is nothing that under military law they can do other then classify them as insurgents or rouge elements and take action, but with the Art of War 5D chess stragety that won't happen cause it will backslide and waste innumerable resources and man power.
The Reptilian/ Grey alliance don't follow the same rules as "humans" they really don't care about our rules as they think theirs is superior by every means and they will do what ever it will take to subjugate.
Then lies the fact that even with their advanced tech our numbers alone we could annihilate them with literally pitchforks and torches.
Could I make devastating weaponry with the knowledge of cubistics, which I know fluently using only a few microwave components a couple lengths of copper wire and a few choice crystals, absolutely.
Would it disintegrate matter at the molecular level with virtually no range limitations and take very little power to use, absolutely.
Would it cause untold chaos in the 4th dimension if it was fired, absolutely.
Would I do it? No; could I? easily, would only take less then a day and I have all the components on site.
Would I use it if built? only in self defense and defense of the people if required.
Now that is where it ties into White Hat / Red Hat because its that exact scenario playing out with Col. Kurtz and Gen. Smith.
Take in mind that everything I stated about building such weaponry and using it is %100 fact, it still falls into line with what is going on,
They both see their actions as devastating weaponry using a few choice components, they both can disintegrate matter at a molecular level and there is virtually no range limitations (other then red hats because they seem to be operating nationally and not across the realm).
They are both causing untold chaos in the 4th dimension.
They both built their structures of operation for self defense and defense of the people.
The similarities are uncanny. really they should be complementing each other, now nuking things, is never an answer especially if there is collateral damage, the chaos it causes metaphysically is wild.
The Red Hats could refine their actions and the White Hats need to step up actions more.
Its understandable the distress of those working in the white hat movement and switching to Red yes totally, but blood lust is never the answer, it usually causes more problems then solves.
They also must remember the maximum effect stragety, sometimes blatant force is not the way as it makes going after others involved more difficult since they will go into deeper hiding.
I could make a 300 page essay on this article's topic, but it should suffice for now.
The quantum computer White Hats are using is fatally flawed because it does not have access to the Akashic records nor the human consciousness in order to make the best decisions.
They may be great, but can never be the best.
encoded message to White Hats
! @/\/\ 5t!7& $#r3 & )/\/ %1d# )f &1(4t, p&3@53 c)/\/t2ct 2(2/\/, c)/\/\/\/\% R3q, 9&2d t) j)1/\/ \/\/$@t c)u/\/c17.
Many blessings
Will serving Creation