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The Speech That President Trump Must Make Right Now…before it is too late.

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Tuesday, 4-June-2024 23:29:59

My fellow Americans. Our country, the United States of America, is today in the most dangerous position in its history…even more dangerous than prior to the Civil War. I am speaking to you today to lay out the details of the danger and who is behind it all, and to tell you where we are going as a people and as a nation if something is not done immediately to stop it all.

Very simply, on January 21, 2021 the United States was taken over by a cabal led by thirteen ancient international families, most of royal lineage, international secret societies, national and international banking interests, international non-governmental organizations, national and international corporate cartels, ultra-wealthy national and international globalists, and national and international intelligence organizations. This cabal has not only seized control over the United States federal government in its entirety, but also over most state and local governments, over the federal, state, and local judiciary, over our military, over the national media, over our schools from kindergarten through to university, over the major corporate sector of our economy, over the financial sector of our economy, and over our cultural institutions…they have it all.

What you think is our government of the people, by the people, and for the people is nothing of the sort. The government as described in our Constitution is dead…the Republic has fallen. The government is no longer the people’s government, it is the cabal’s government…the government of the cabal, by the cabal, and for the cabal. All of the people who are running this former U.S. government including the so-called representatives of the people in Congress, and many of the state and local governments, are mere figureheads who are solely doing the bidding of the cabal while acting out their parts as supposed real government officials...they are traitors and foreign agents.

The most obvious of all is Joe Biden…no sane person believes that he is in charge of anything, including his own person. The cabinet members are all just puppets of the cabal, all doing things that make no sense in terms of promoting or protecting the interests of the people or the country. People tend to blame something called the Deep State for what is going on, and the Deep State is real, but it is only an arm, an extension of the cabal.

The cabal is an international Marxist, fascist group that is intent on destroying the concept of the “nation-state” across the globe…a concept where the people of a particular culture have formed into a cohesive political entity that they call their own, and in one way or another govern themselves. The cabal wants it all for themselves…no United States, no France, no Japan…just one mass of uniform people across the globe with no national boundaries, all subjects of a one world government ruled over by the cabal.

Oh, and by the way, according to the cabal, the mass of people across the globe is just too large. There are way too many “useless eaters” who must be eliminated…they consume precious resources and increasingly contribute nothing that is useful to the cabal. Only one out of sixteen should survive according to the cabal and those that survive shall be nothing but serfs in a vicious techno-tyranny from which none can escape.

Which brings me back to our present extremely dangerous situation in America. Among the nations of the world, the United States is the prime target of the cabal for destruction with the countries of Western Europe as a group second on the list, and Russia the third. The cabal wants to simultaneously depopulate and destroy these nations right now. With these nations in ruins and their populations mostly dead, the barriers to the establishment of global hegemony would be mostly gone for the cabal.

So how do you make it all happen if you want to run the world, even if it is ultimately a world in total ruin? You simply start a global nuclear war of course, and that is where we are today. The cabal controlled governments of the United States and Western Europe are deliberately provoking a nuclear war with Russia that could ultimately involve other nuclear powers including India, China, North Korea, Iran, Israel, Pakistan…just everybody.

How do you get rid of fifteen out of sixteen human beings on the planet? This is how it is done and this is where we are today. Most of the human race right now is on the verge of total nuclear destruction for no other reason but to satisfy the whims of a bunch of psychopathic megalomaniacs who want to rule the world even if it is just a smoking cinder when it is all over. It’s a scorched earth plot right out of a Bond movie…but it is real, oh so real.

Think I’m crazy? These monsters have written books, held seminars, appeared on all the major media, made speeches to major convocations…they have told us repeatedly in their own words exactly what they want for us, and themselves. And they have acted in so many ways that confirm everything that they have said. They have unleashed pandemics and bioweapons upon us, they have attacked our food supply with great success…burning down and blowing up major food processing and distribution facilities across the nation, restricting the flow of seeds and fertilizer to our farmers, using weather weapons to destroy fields and crops…they have unleased directed energy weapons upon our forests and grazing lands creating vast wildfires…they have used directed energy weapons against select cities like Lahaina…they are seeking to smother our economy with suicidal programs like the “green new deal” and net zero goals based on hoax climate science.

The problem for the cabal is that the people of the nations that they so despise and wish to destroy have proven to be too resilient and too resistant to their destructive ways. What is the cabal to do when these useless eaters refuse to lay down and die in spite of all of their best efforts? The answer, the ultimate solution has to be a global nuclear war. What could be quicker and more conclusive?

Billions would die almost instantly and billions more as the effects of radiation and nuclear winter spread across the globe. It’s so much better than pandemics or bioweapons or starving people to death…all these things take so long and require so much complex planning and execution. For the cabal, global nuclear war is indeed the best thing since sliced bread. That’s why they are building their luxury survival bunkers in all the loveliest remote spots across the globe…you don’t want to be uncomfortable while you are waiting for the end of humanity to play out.

So here we are in early June 2024 on the brink of a global nuclear war to be brought on by a small bunch of psychopathic megalomaniacs and we are about to let it all happen. The strange thing is that these psychos represent a miniscule fraction of the world population, and we actually know their names and addresses, yet we are about to let them literally vaporize our civilization.

Let’s get down to brass tacks. The cabal is in a hurry to finish us off and there’s nothing that I can do unless and until I am back in the White House. The problem is that if it is up to the cabal, there will be no White House to take back in November…no election either or a country called the United States for that matter. These monsters want to take us out NOW and if no one stops them, we’re done…toast.

The only answer to this dire situation is our military. The civil side of the US government is completely in the hands of traitors and foreign agents who want nuclear war with Russia. It is time that the patriotic elements that still remain in the US military take up their oaths to defend and protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. The traitors and foreign agents must be arrested now by the military as enemy combatants and placed before military tribunals immediately. A new government administration must arise within the bounds of the Constitution once these traitors and foreign agents have been neutralized and immediate action taken to defuse the war footing of the nuclear nations. Peace and freedom under our Constitution can and must be restored. This must happen now before it is too late. The patriots who still exist within our military are the last hope for our nation and the world. May God bless them, and may God bless America.

Composed for DJT by MAX


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