♫The day the butthurt died, and they were singing, “Why... why... can't I get it with fries?” I drove my Prius to see Levy, but Levy was riding (and got trampled by) a Sybian Horse. The Nazi Transgender was on a Fentanyl bender singing, “This is the day I mask up inside. This is the day I... (gasp!)... (thud!)”
The thread that follows this main story is a telling thing. This is the year that it becomes no longer fabulous, and absolutely amazing to be sexually dysfunctional. I could feel it coming for some time. It was in the air all around me, and telepathy is as easy as opening your mind. When you diminish the noise of the intrusive separated self, you can hear everything else. There is ONLY one mind; no... really. It is proven to me several times every day.
You might think I'm delusional... because everything happening now seems more and more over the top, by... the... day. How about this as an example? A certain nation says, “Use force. If force doesn't work then... use more force.” It's what they just did by killing three hundred people to liberate and parade four hostages in Gaza, OR... that's what they say. They might just as well have had those hostages in a van. That whole hostage thing is bullshit. It smells of the same tactics they use all the time to justify psychopathic behavior.
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