Well... appearances say that The Deep State... like any mortally wounded beast... when cornered... will resort to anything in order to survive... since it doesn't yet know that it is already dead, and... just didn't get the memo. I suspect the intention is to start the war just before the election and use that as an excuse not to hold the election. I don't expect them to be able to pull it off, but that doesn't mean they won't try. We know for sure they will try something, BUT... the whole wide world is watching.
Jesus Christ went up on the mountain for the standardized test and did what any avatar with all the power, and everything else... would have done under the circumstances. However... there is this particular group of kindred creatures... who went all in on crucifying him, and they didn't need to go up on the mountain for the standardized test... because... they went all in on the offers... without a whole lot of fasting and praying... neither of which has ever interested them much.
The deal was that they could cause mayhem through the centuries and even though they were evicted from polite society in every country they set up shop in... sooner or later... they kept right on choodlin. Eventually... they got a death grip on The World... never realizing that their hands were around their own throats; just as they never realized that it was Judas who got crucified. This I was told by a very illumined master... much higher in awareness than I have attained to yet.
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