There were sleazy... greasy... Chemtrails today; courtesy of The Deep State. I've seen videos of the excremental residue that falls from the sky... as a result of this Satanic graffiti work. So I had been going outside and... at those times when I would see the crosshatching obscenities... writ large on the formerly pristine sky... I appealed to Heaven... as something... metaphorically... above me, even though I have had it amply demonstrated for my understanding... that the actual location of Heaven is... within.
I raised my hands and said, Lord, please blow the totality of this directly upon those responsible for putting it there. It seemed to have an effect each time. On one occasion it was miraculous. Today though... a different scenario played out. After I had made my appeal, I heard; “Well... isn't that what happens anyway, visible? Isn't that why I set the dynamic of action-reaction in motion so that... everything offered by anyone... returns to them... in a similar fashion... at some point? This is the simple mechanics of what is called Karma.”
The way it was said was so direct... so emphatic... so inarguable. I don't know how to communicate what I felt upon hearing it... except to say that one of the basic laws of existence was illustrated in my mind... in such a way that it left no avenue for reply. It was as if The Divine were to say, “I am that I am.” and then there was thunder and lightning... that followed for an exclamation point. I could... almost... literally see the chemtrails disperse, and I KNEW where they were headed.
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