Unwanted children might be given away to friends or family members, or adopted by an infertile couple, but according to Seneca, Philo and Cicero, infants could be drowned, thrown away with the rubbish, smothered, exposed to the elements, eaten by stray dogs or sold to slave traffickers.
Biology no longer being destiny proves a lot o' chicks don't like being dependent breeder cow chattel. The educated ones generally have fewer or none at all. They value not answering to anyone, as in having personal sovereignty when they're not bringin' home the paycheck. They'd rather be part time slaves as opposed to full time slaves. They have dreams and do what they wanna do on their time off. They like discretionary time and income. And those who still don't have the freedom to choose in cultures where they are second class citizens. . .if they have access to a telly and can watch international shows that depict the freedom of these family 'duties', I wonder what they think of their own lives?
Ayuh, rubbin' it in again. And then there's dem who castigate those who shed the easier lifestyle. Huh! Why? Misery loves company?
How many regret their 'biological accidents'?
Surveys conducted over the last few years on representative samples in the US and Germany suggest that the percentage of parents who regret having children is approximately 17–8%. In none of these studies did the researchers attempt a detailed examination of this group of parents from the perspective of their psychological functioning. In the present article, two studies based on large, national samples (N = 1175 and N = 1280), one of which was a representative sample of young Poles, are presented. The results obtained show that the percentage of parents who regret parenthood is higher in Poland than in the US or Germany, and that parents who regret having children are characterized by a higher level of adverse childhood experiences, have poorer psychological and somatic health, are more vulnerable to social evaluation, and experience strong parental identity crisis and parental burnout. Regretting parenthood also turns out to be associated with the parent’s financial situation and marital status, and with having children with special needs. The results indicate that regretting becoming a parent is an important social and psychological issue that should become an object of interest for researchers from various disciplines and for social policy authorities.
The numbers are probably higher that 17 to 8 percent. The attitude is frowned upon, and a lot probably lied. The thing I used to get here considered us a necessary evil that was used to entrap her hosts. At least the 1st three. Hey, I was dumped on grandma and great grandma until I was 6, and then was picked up by the quim because they were on death's door. (Thank the gods.) #4 was shipped to a boarding school in Germany ASAP so the incubator didn't have to deal with my still officially unacknowledged 4th half sibling who I will never communicate with.