Another blast from the past.
It began with a shoe throwing game started by Raye
To provide some levity amid the dismay
Of Tangodog’s journey to other planes
Pepsi and Coke the cola wars renewed
The NWO battle of factions 1 and 2
Though the thread was just started as always it seems
that these Machiavellian masters make the scene
Maitreya is coming! A new sun in the sky!
Arthur Clarke’s 2010 to happen before our eyes!
Is this the first bluebeam test they’ll use
when our TV’s turn to mind control tools?
Kissinger announced Obama’s their man
on Tuesday, though posted on Saturday
Wednesday Sarkozy and Merkel gave us the plan
for financial dominion o’er their fellow man
In Gaza their minions test their weapons of war
What good are they if not to be used, and improved?
The limited war theory it is, keep the machine humming
Profits must be made!
Who cares? They’re only slaves
Though if Sorcha’s to be believed, it’s the war for the planet
against the underground bases of the Annunaki
On the political scene an Electoral Rebellion?
Disproved it seems, and Richardson gone
selling taxpayer bonds at exorbitant profits
to money changers for lining their pockets
Blagoyovich quotes poetry
and is eventually impeached
Burris goes to Washington
Don’t you just love Chicago politics?
Obama’s birth is still a hot topic
Will the Supreme Court rule or just explain it away?
Only time will tell if the truth will prevail
Panetta’s the top spook, Faction 2?
NASA and the Pentagon, soon to be one
the budget is the given excuse
The doomsday scenario from space the real reason
Black Ops, Black Budgets & UFOs
Billy Meier, Wilcock and Project Camelot
Down the rabbit hole we go
Who to believe and to what extent?
White hats, black hats all with intent
to play their hands over and over the same game of power
we’re not at the table, nor even invited
Earthquakes, prophecy, financial collapse
Delicado says be sure to have seeds
plant them, prepare and by the end of this year
be where you want with those you hold dear
Almost lost in the bustle, the church, not congregations own the land
You can’t resell clothes without the right tag
The IRS helps taxpayers?
Ron Paul says it’s all caused by the Federal Reserve
Against this monster the valiant battle still rages
VKD, Casper and Farm claims
The battle’s been won?
We’ve heard this before but I honor those who keep beating at the door
Let us hope one day the door will be broken
the facade stripped away, the packets opened
To dawn a new day
Wednesday the IU took it’s turn
dreams surfaced from the depths
of magma rising, Yellow stone, gold?
Odd association, meaning unknown
In Vail the vacationer lost his pants
naked he hung for the world to see
Could this be a sign of disclosure coming to be?
Thursday the corporate media lied, surprise, surprise
Shapeshifting and frequency dreams of being sucked in
to their channel of fear, unable to change
Planet X photos? Apparently not
a snitch in the midst of political protest
More symbolism from the black widow dress
Raye’s power cut mysteriously
just another anomaly in her story it seems
Govermentium was discovered!
That post gave me a chuckle
On Friday LA shook
along with Indonesia, Costa Rica and the whole western plate
Schiff gave the economy a sobering look
California collapsing, monetarily at least
along with bonds, another NWO trap
Wisconsin confounded those on the dole
More about the pole shift, and 2012
Croatia has the best bank in the world
Saturday it was noted billionaires, helped by trillionaires are leaving the planet
In the big apple it smelled like maple syrup
Russia still withheld gas from Europe
Terrorists are we?
False flag on Iran
Lawyers taking a website down
As with the Arabs, if in the Fed they invest
A porn bailout from Washington?
Anything’s possible these days it seems
The week it ended with medevacs in Iraq
What a great story