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Common Ground Independent Media

Though I Walk Through The Valley

Posted By: commonman5150
Date: Tuesday, 20-August-2024 10:44:55

` Though I walk through the Valley.

Hello folks, It’s been a long time since I wrote anything, I must have started this piece at least three times, but have been unable to finish anything. The main issue has been a very visceral feeling of doom. Maybe doom isn’t the right word, it’s hard to describe, it’s like a supreme anxiety. Caught between the warring forces of good vs evil it’s reached a point where the only solace I can find is faith in God. Faith that God has a plan, and is in control, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. That is what I believe in my heart, yet being human and imperfect, the shadow of doubt is always lurking, seeking to sow its seeds of despair

One thing I’ve realized after reading through the Bible a few times is that God allows evil in order to show people the consequences of living apart from God. It happens all the time in the Old Testament, the Jews embrace God, follow the law, then they drift away, then bad things happen, then they suffer and moan, then they pray, and then eventually God saves them by exercising his infinite mercy and grace. The thing is, God’s timing is not our timing, while I have faith that in the end God’s will, will be done, I’m no prophet, I have no idea what’s going to happen, or when something will happen. In the end, all I can do is hope and pray that the evil of these days is on its last legs and it’s time for the worm to turn, that the “Great Awakening” is on the horizon.

There hasn’t been a more evident example of this battle between good and evil, since WWII. I know some people will say that’s being overdramatic, saying that WWII was far worse than what are dealing with today. Others will deny it outright because they dismiss the existence of evil. Still others might pawn it off as nothing very special is going on, when you look at things from a historical perspective. (I actually think this view has some validity to it. Think about how people felt when the Mongol Hordes were storming across eastern Europe, the Black Plague, or WWI or WWII just to name a few. I’m sure a lot of people during those periods must have thought that they were at the end times, terrified of the power of absolute evil.) Most days we are oblivious to the spiritual warfare going on around us and to be honest it wouldn’t matter if we were aware of it, because as humans, (despite shows like “Supernatural” lol) we are not equipped to deal with spiritual warfare, most people have a hard enough time just resisting evil, let alone doing battle against the spiritual forces of evil. However, just like WWII we are witnessing a momentous confrontation between the forces of good vs the forces of evil. The 2 sides aren’t as clearly defined as they were during WWII, evil has become very adept at hiding itself in plain view, but the importance and significance of this war are every bit as consequential. If evil is allowed to prevail, the “free world” where the American President is seen as its leader, will cease to exist.

Every once in a while, we are allowed a glimpse of spiritual warfare. Donald Trump turning his head at that precise instant of time is one such glimpse. The Bible says in Isaiah 6 (God) “has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts. Isaiah spoke these prophetic words about Jesus Christ and his rejection by the Jewish hierarchy, but they are certainly relevant today. If you are spiritually blind, you would chalk it up to Trump simply being lucky, or try to dismiss it as a publicity stunt, or make is seem like something less than it really was, if your heart is hard, you might say that you wished the shooter had a better aim. What you are in fact doing is denying that it was a direct, undeniable act of God.

That act meant a lot, it showed that God is not just sitting back on the sidelines, biding time, while evil is allowed to run rampant. That act of Trump escaping what should have been an easy target, set up by the enemy, can only mean that God isn’t being passive, that this moment in time is indeed pivotal and consequential. After he defiantly raised his fist and shouted “fight, fight, fight!” I truly felt a glimmer of hope for humanity. Unfortunately, the forces of evil quickly regrouped and began to quash hose hopes in the following weeks.

If evil is allowed to prevail in this struggle than I fear for what kind of dystopian or “1984” type of world our children and grandchildren will inherit, if in fact they even survive the outcome of this Globalist/Progressive version of “Utopia.” I can imagine what America would look like if Harris gains the presidency, and it’s not good. I’ve been struggling to understand how anybody on the left or the right can possibly think that “Komrade Kamala” is even remotely capable of being president, it’s so blatantly obvious that she isn’t. For awhile I have tried to give average Democrat voter the benefit of the doubt, thinking they all can’t be this ignorant, indoctrinated or just plain stupid. Has their collective intellect been so irreparably damaged by Trump Derangement Syndrome, that they have become nothing more than “NPCs?” (For those unfamiliar with the term, NPC stands for “non-player character,” originally used in “role playing games (rpg) it has evolved onto a description of a person devoid of individual thinking, who blindly follows their leader.) Democrats shrugged off the last 4 years of “Lyin’ Joe Biden.” Capped off by his “Emperor Has No Clothes” moment at that debate, the Demonrat powers that be, completely turned on him and pivoted to Harris, a person who until very recently were calling “Joe’s insurance policy” because no one, no one, not any of them, thought she had the capabilities to be president. Good ol’ Uncle Joe was so sure of his insurance policy that he thought there was no way he could be stopped, that is, until Dragon Lady Pelosi cut his political throat. Now, Harris is being touted as the best possible candidate to do battle against the “Evil Orange Man.”

I understand that the leaders of the Demonrats had no choice but to go with Komrade Kamala, only she was eligible to get all that cash pledged to Joe, but the acceptance of her by the party at large, and the disgustingly shameful propping up of her campaign by the MSM makes me want to vomit. It’s like rank and file Democrats are all victims of Stockholm Syndrome, or better yet what I call the “Charley Brown Effect,” where Lucy (the Demonrat leadership) is once again telling their constituents to trust them one more time before pulling the football away at the last moment, and like poor Charley Brown they are falling for it again. The Biden Harris administration has been proven to have lied extensively about Joe’s health FOR YEARS. The main stream legacy media has been exposed as willing collaborators of the true “Big Lie” by constantly telling us the Biden is as “sharp as a tack” or in the infamous words of professional dimwit Joe Scarborough “this is the best Biden Ever.” They all keep on chooglin’ saying in effect “yeah, we lied to you, but it was necessary to keep the evil orange man out of the White House, so even though we’ve lied about everything for years, you can trust us this time, we have to destroy democracy in order to save it. So, don’t pay any attention to what we said only a few days ago, in reality Kamala is perfect for this job, she’s been ready since day one.” The flip flops over her past policy statements are being spun as simply an evolution of her ideas, not self-serving bovine excrement. These Charley Brown democrats are being fooled into believing that she is some sort of moderate when in truth she is a full blown commie.

I found out something the other day that really puts Komrade Kamala in her proper perspective. While she has been repeatedly ridiculed for her word salads, there is one that although it sounds like one of her insipid brain-dead concoctions, is actually just a re-phrasing of Maoist doctrine. I read it in a Substack article by Dean Fittz entitled Unburdened (By Consequenses of Thier Actions). What Harris actually means when she says “We see what can be, unburdened by what has been” is that she wants to implement her vision of a utopian communist future (“what can be”) and erase America’s heritage which she rejects. (“what has been.”) Fittz explains in his article that Harris’ father was “steeped in Marxist ideology,” and despite the Herculean efforts of the MSM to rebrand her, if she believes in anything other than what’s self-serving to her, it’s Marxist/Communism. Her recent economic policy statement where she wants to institute federal price controls to stop “price gaging” (which is what she said, although it was clear she meant gouging), and that she wants to give 1st time home buyers $25,000 is nothing more than a deceptive way of saying she believes that,
#1 that the government should control everything (communism)

#2 she does not accept any responsibility for “Bidenomics” which is responsible for the rampant inflation and the economic horrors we’re all experiencing
#3 she doesn’t have a clue about economics whatsoever.
#4 like Biden, she feels no shame in trying to buy votes. With Joe it was the student loan bail-outs, Harris just substitutes 1st time home buyers for students.
Who is going to pay for those $25,000 gifts? She will have to either increase taxes or print more money, both of which have worked so well for Biden. Price fixing has NEVER worked, even in the communist countries that tried it, most recently Venezuela, but hey let’s give it a try. In the famous words of Bugs Bunny “what a maroon!”

Her running mate “Tampon Tim” Walz is if anything even more reprehensible than her. Walz, is a coward, a commie, a creep and a criminal. He tried to hide his DUI conviction, wanted to put tampons in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BOYS bathrooms, lied and mislead about his rank and service in the military, then cowardly resigned before he and his troops were scheduled to deploy. Walz has spent years traveling back and forth to China where one of his students has claimed Walz is a devoted Maoist. For example, his state government instituted a snitch line so people could rat on their neighbors if they violated his insane Covid policies, there is even one video clip of his police shooting people with paint-balls in order to force them inside their residences. Yet our beloved MSM lovingly calls him “Coach, teacher, cuddly, and a voice of reason.” WTF? This guy isn’t fit to run a Boy Scout troop, let alone a Governorship or God forbid a Vice Presidency.

It all boils down to good vs evil. Now, I’m not so naïve to think that Trump is perfect, that he is some sort of Biblical Judge sent by God to save America and the free world from the evil of the Prog-Globs, but for right now he’s all we have, and after the failed assassination attempt, I think it’s fair to assume that if nothing else God has a plan for him, Hopefully that plan is to save us from the evil threatening to engulf us, and Trump will be one of the many tools used to achieve that salvation. My hopes and prayers are for that Great Awakening. Where freedom, morality, personal responsibility are reborn. Where there is an end to economic and government slavery, an end to Globalism. Where there is a return to basic sanity and a spiritual revival that will lead us into the next chapter of human existence, where hopefully we’re not repeating the mistakes of the Old Testament Jews and turn away from God. Where our children, their children and the generations that follow can experience the full measure of God’s love and blessings. The title of this essay is from the 23rd Psalm. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” It’s hard not to fear evil, but fear is what evil counts on, it’s the food that keeps it alive and right now evil is gorging itself on that fear. We must all make the effort to resist the fears that evil tries to instill in us, we must starve it to death with the love of God, and the faith that all things work to the Glory of Gods holy name.

And as always. Rock On my Brothers and Sisters!

Though I Walk Through The Valley


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  • Though I Walk Through The Valley
    commonman5150 -- Tuesday, 20-August-2024 10:44:55

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