Here is only one example of how crazy people are getting. This is on every news site. They say the whale might have been a Russian spy because... well, I'll let you see what evidence they have in their own words; "When Hvaldimir was found in 2019, Norwegian marine biologists removed a man-made harness with a mount suited for an action camera and the words. "Equipment St. Petersburg" printed in English on the plastic clasps.” Equipment St. Petersburg was printed in English on the whale. Does this smell even worse than that whale probably does right now?
You can travel The World these days, and in every country, you can easily find examples of Batshit Crazy. It might be one of the many forms of crazy that are generated by Materialism. It might be religious. It might be crimes against women by fundamentalist nutjobs in The East. It might be sexually inspired insanity, and that you can find everywhere. There is now a crazy for every once normal thing! Huzzah!
There are millions of people living in areas of specialized niche crazy; progressive liberal crazy... Climate crazies... PC and social justice crazy, which are a lot like progressive liberal crazy. Then there is indigenous culture crazies... who ignore Palestine and hope to breed a super race of indigenous peoples by mating Aborigines with white transsexuals; given that the necessary dynamics for this... in any natural way... is impossible, they are looking at gene-splicing... using tree grafting technologies... so that they will have the lifespan of a redwood.
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