I've spent my life overcoming things; bullies... The System on so many levels... Institutions... the social order... the rank and file conformists... religious & material fundies. On the one hand, they were the letter of the law people. They would always come at you with scripture, and on the other hand... they would come at you with conventions and order... as it is passed down to us by our betters.
Because of the shitstorm I have run into on many an occasion, and the rank betrayals I have experienced at the hands of feckless cowards with no honor, I got a little prickly over time when people slandered me; and... slander can take many forms. One of the forms is to ignore any explanations and details I might give about why I brought anything to a wider attention because... that would get in the way of self-righteous... holier than thou... browbeating by scripture... or conventional by-laws... having to with a polite society that was never... ever... polite.
Okay... maybe a little context might be helpful here. For some time... recently... weeks or a couple of months; I haven't been keeping track. I've been in a virtual school room the livelong day. Perhaps... I have always been in this school room, and I only just started noticing, BUT... lately... a given day will have half a dozen lessons... all having to do with the same theme. Today... it was about thoughtlessness and rude behavior.
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