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Common Ground Independent Media

Till Death Do Us Part

Posted By: commonman5150
Date: Monday, 30-September-2024 14:10:48

Till Death Do Us Part

Secular-Humanism is a religion. It has all the hallmarks of a religion, a doctrine, a huge devout following of worshipers and a fundamental principle, DEATH. Under Secular-Humanism, murder has become acceptable in America. The “choice” to kill a human has for some, become as important as the bill of rights. A fleeting moment of personal sexual gratification is now more important than a human life. Murderers are allowed to illegally enter America unvetted and unfettered. Alternative lifestyles that don’t produce offspring are hailed as heroic. Useless and unnecessary wars are deemed essential. The ascent of the religion of Secular-Humanism (S-H) mirrors the decline in Christian morality, and is in line with socialist/communist doctrine the deemphasizes traditional family and societal values, favoring a reliance on government instead. As history has vividly shown, the regimes of Mao Tse Tung and Josef Stalin used the mass murder of their own citizens to maintain their iron fisted grip on power. They abhorred religion, adhering to the Marxist philosophy that religion is the “opium of the masses” and is therefore at odds with communist philosophy that government should be the “be all and end all” of the proletariat.

Virtually everything in the religion of Secular-Humanism revolves around death, especially abortion. Much of what you see in almost every Democrat political ad this particular election season is that this Republican or that Republican wants to ban abortion. In the rigged ABC debate, Trump to his credit, pointed out that in some states there are no limits on when a mother can murder her child, which of course they erroneously fact checked him on. Some abortion activists want to able to murder a child AFTER BEING BORN! In Tampon Tim’s state of Minnesota, some babies delivered alive during a botched abortion were allowed to die! There is a very large segment of American society that has accepted abortion as being just fine and dandy and in fact demand that it be available to any woman who so desires. The movement is euphemistically called “pro-choice” because I guess “pro-infanticide” doesn’t quite have the same appeal. Opposing abortion should have nothing to do with religion, it should be about basic morality. In a sane world a 15 week ban on abortion would be considered wildly radical. In a sane world the only time a doctor would be allowed to perform an abortion would be in the case of incest, rape, or the life of the mother, otherwise it should be considered murder. In fact, when someone murders a pregnant woman in at least 38 states including of all places The Peoples Republic of California, its classified as a double homicide. Abortionists always screech about choice, “my body, my choice,” ignoring the choice they made to have unprotected sex. Instead, making the choice to abandon taking any responsibility for their actions, actions which they voluntarily took part in, knowing the consequences! What about the choice people make to use abortion as a contraceptive? Have we become so obsessed with self gratification that personal responsibility is looked upon as some sort of rude imposition of your current lifestyle. If that’s the case then what’s the difference between aborting a baby because it interferes with your lifestyle, or killing your boss because he wants you to work overtime. According to the rules of Secular-Humanism, both would be absolutely fine. Here are some more examples of the value placed on human life by this religion.

The progressive/globalist desire to reduce global population. At the now infamous Ted Conference video with Bill Gates, Gates, a proponent of depopulation, said that with the proper use of vaccines the world’s population could decline by as much as 10 to 15%. In the 2010 conference he stated that “if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that (the global population) by perhaps 10 or 15 %. Now I realize that this quote is taken from a longer speech, so I understand it’s being taken out of context, to a certain extent. However, if you look at it in in conjunction with the atrocities the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have perpetrated in Africa, and the fact that according to most “experts” Africa is where the world’s population is supposed to grow the most, Gates’ statement rings true as is. He wants to get rid of millions of people! 10% of 8 billion is 8 million people, 8 freaking million. I mention this not because I think the Progressive/Globalists of the Church of Secular Humanism are worried about overpopulation. I believe they want to use depopulation as a tactic to achieve their goal of a One World Order. They follow the Maoist-Stalinist doctrine that fewer people alive means fewer people to control, making seizing and maintaining power more expedient. It’s either that or they are just plain evil, Take your pick.

I read a study recently that said 80 countries worldwide are experiencing declining fertility rates. Japan has a percentage of people over 65 higher than the percentage of people under 15. The church of S-H can’t rely on declining fertility rates in industrial countries, as it would take too long to achieve their goal. So, the question becomes, how can we speed depopulation along? Hmm…how about a global pandemic, and a vaccine that kills more people than it saves, thanks Dr. Mengela-Fauci, great job! Anthony “The Science” Fauci has a special place as the Grim Reaper in the religion of Secular-Humanism. The proponents of depopulation say there are not enough resources and space available to provide for the upwards of 10 billion people that have been projected by the year 2030. However, in an article by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops By Austin Ruse, entitled The Myth of Overpopulation and the Folks Who Brought it to You the author debunks this claim, while also giving a short history of the overpopulation zealots. It’s well worth reading, according to the research done by Ruse, the world is not overpopulated and in fact may be on the verge of becoming underpopulated due to the efforts to limit population growth. That’s good news for the S-H, it still just isn’t fast enough.

In his article, Ruse talks about Eugenics and its premise of breeding superior races and subjugating or even eliminating “inferior” ones. Planned Parenthood founder, Margeret Sanger, along with Adolph Hitler were huge proponents of Eugenics. Sanger a well-known racist, drew up the blue print for depopulation and subjugation with the founding of Planned Parenthood, specifically targeting minority communities in poor inner cities. Sanger thought of blacks as an inferior race and used Planned Parenthood in conjunction with leftist policies to destroy black families. The result has been, according to the National Right To Life Center the deaths of 20 MILLION black babies, since Roe V Wade. The implementation of the welfare state, the by-product of president Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “Great Society,” initiative, has resulted in the percentage of 2 parent households in black communities dropping from 75% to 20-25%, since the Civil Rights act was passed! That has led to a massive increase of crime, especially gangs, where young black men find their male role models due to the absence of a father in the household. Whereas African-Americans make up 13% of the population they account for over 50% of the violent crime. The tragic effect of this is a huge segment of the black community has either been aborted (murdered), violently killed while engaged in criminal activity or incarcerated (subjugated).

The promotion of LGBTQ+ philosophy is a part of the creed of the S-H’s. I need to clarify my position on homosexuality. While I do believe it’s a sin, it’s no worse than any other sin, ALL sin is an affront to God. God is perfect and cannot abide sin in any form, it’s why he sacrificed his Son to redeem humanity from the consequences of our sin, so that we can enjoy fellowship with the Almighty. Since I am a sinner as well, I have no place to judge someone else for theirs, and I do not judge any of alphabet Mafia for their adult lifestyle, just don’t inflict it on children! Still in a practical, biological application they cannot reproduce. Certainly, adoption is a remedy to those who wish to have a family, (and please don’t give me the surrogate or IVF argument, that number is so small in terms of global populations and LGBTQRSTUV population as to be ultimately insignificant.) In spite of what transgender advocates may preach, biology is biology. The result of the rise of the LGBTQ+ community means fewer children being born which leads to an older population which eventually leads too….

Still, they need more death, they must stop humans from being born. Abortion is great but it’s just not enough. What to do, what to do? Of course! Let’s make kids sterile. The “Transgender Affirming Care” that is advocated so vociferously by the left for minor children leaves them sterile. The radical, irreversible sex change treatments with their surgical mutilations and hormone blocking therapy render these children permanently sterile, that’s a fact, and as an added bonus, the suicide rate for those who undergo this madness far exceeds the number of those they claim it prevents, so yeeehaw, there ya go.

But wait! There’s so much more. Crony Corporate America working hand in glove with the mainstream media and the scientific/industrial complex (read big pharma and it’s hydra-like tentacles) has achieved a twofold success in making sure that humans either die or don’t reproduce. People are living way to long so they inject dangerous chemicals and additives in our food supply. The testosterone levels in men have been steadily dropping, along with the rise in diabetes and heart conditions among other potentially fatal maladies. Big Pharma has turned America into “Medication Nation” with pills to solve your every problem, that is if you don’t mind the side effects. Mainstream media, bolstered by billions of bucks from crony corporate advertisers produces content that trivializes men, and propagandizes children into thinking that the nuclear family is a stupid, anachronistic relic. Throw in some pornography and promiscuous sex and you end up with a society of people who think marriage and family are ridiculous. The result? You guessed it.

Unfettered mass immigration is another chapter in the S-H “bible.” All over the world, first world countries are being overrun with illegal immigration. America might just be the worst example of how it kills and enslaves people. Start off with the relatively small number of illegals who die (in comparison to the millions streaming over the southern border) just trying to make it across the border. Add in the hundreds of thousands who die from overdosing on the fentanyl coming from Mexico via China, top it all off with the tens of thousands of children being bought and sold into either sex slavery or indentured servitude to pay off their debt to the Coyotes and the cartels and you end up with the death and subjugation they so desperately desire.

America is the key. If America falls, the rest of the world will fall. In my last blog I wrote about the Uniparty, and the need to make the current DemonRat and Repugnican political parties obsolete, and for all intents and purposes they are, there is only the Uniparty and a few rogue independents. What really needs to go is the Uniparty, it is the party of S-H. On one hand it encompasses the left with the culture war, all of their abortion on demand, socialist D.E.I. programs and the mutilating and sterilization of children in the name of “trans gender care.” On the other side you have the Neo-Cons who never met a war they didn’t like and think big government is hunky-dory. The one thing that ties them together is their love of DEATH. Why else would the left embrace someone like Dick(head) Cheney or his reptilian offspring Liz(ard) Cheney, these two were once despised by the left, vilified as the war-mongers and fascists they are, but now treated as heroes. Control over the levers of American government is crucial to their success. All of those Repugnicans who endorsed Kamala-La Ding Dong, obviously have no fear of revealing their true Uniparty affiliation. That’s the obvious reason that there have been 2 attempts on Trump. A Trump victory would not just mean their defeat, it would mean the beginning of the end to their whole agenda, and they will do anything and everything to make sure that doesn’t happen. It’s not the lies and rhetoric of the left that led to the assassination attempts, it’s the Prog-Globs genuine fear they might lose power that is the real reason behind the attempted assassinations.

Perhaps the most diabolical “death-centric” organization is the United Nations. The UN Fund For Population Activities (UNFPA) has been hard at work “helping” China and Peru institute draconian limits on how many children a woman can have. In China they helped institute the “One Child” (preferable one male child) policy. In China if you try to have more than one child, you could be compelled to have an abortion, imprisoned or worse. In Peru, the UNFPA set up programs that enforce medical sterilizations and forced abortions, using incarceration, food bribery and extreme financial penalties to achieve their desires, proving once again how imperative it is to dismantle the U.N.

In the aforementioned article about the myth of overpopulation, the author talked about one thing the Secular-Humanists don’t take into account when they are calculating the impact 10 billion people would make on the world. That thing is the incredible ingenuity of the human species. Throughout history humanity has found ways to live longer and ways to make far more efficient use of our resources. I heard a bit by the late great comedian Sam Kinnison who riffed that we should stop sending food to poor countries, instead we should move those people to “WHERE THE FOOD IS! ARGGGH!!” He’s spot on, it’s not a resource problem, we produce and have enough resources to take care of our population, it’s simply that those people live in countries and areas that can’t produce enough. That brings up the main problem with abortion, aside from the it being murder aspect. There’s an old joke about a guy who is stuck in his house during a flood, he can’t get out of his house because the roads are flooded, so a neighbor comes by with a big ol’ 4 wheel drive and says “get in!” The man says “no, it’s ok, God will save me.” A little while goes by and the fellow has to retreat to the second story of his house, the fire dept comes by with a boat and tells him to get in before it’s too late, once again the guy refuses and says that God will save him. Finally, the flood waters force him onto his roof. A helicopter tries one last time to save him, but once again he refuses. So eventually the man drowns and goes to heaven and says to St Peter, “I don’t understand, I prayed and prayed for God to save me, but I still died.” “Well” St. Peter replied patiently, “He sent you a truck, a boat and a helicopter, what were you looking for?” The point being that God may have sent somebody to save us, maybe find a cure for cancer, or develop an unlimited free source of energy, or figure out a way to feed 10’s of billions of people, but out of pure selfishness, we killed that person before they were ever born. Who knows how many potential geniuses, artists, thinkers and leaders we’ve murdered before they were allowed to even take their first breath.

The sad fact is that with the way things are in this world, any politician who wants to stay in office has to bend the knee to the S-H abortion platform. Therefore, it’s not that we have to elect pro-life politicians, we do, but what is even more imperative is that we pray for those who think that abortion is ok. The only way to stop abortion is to change the hearts and minds of the countless millions of people who think it’s a fundamental right. Until that happens, humanity will continue to endure the heinous stain of murdering the unborn, of accepting murder in all its evil incarnations. At this point all we can do is hope and pray the wrath of God doesn’t strike us down like Noah’s flood, because with the world like it is these days, we certainly deserve it.

Pray for the lost, my brothers and sisters,

Pray for their enlightenment and their salvation

And most of all pray for the unborn, they have no one

else to speak for them.

Rock on Y’all!

Till Death Do Us Part


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