As you can see from the surface reporting from Nazgul Media... The Strong Arm Boys... the enforcement division of Black Rock/Mossad... has their hobnail boots on the ground in The American Southland... Everywhere they are stealing and forbidding with impunity... until they get punched in the mouth; which is starting to happen. Though these are ubiquitous... observable... behavior patterns, The Nazgul Media keeps saying that it isn't happening... even though it is.
Here is FEMA explained in pictures in case someone might be too stupid for words.
Bad shit... in big doses... is coming down the pike on an assembly line basis, and then there is all the weird tech going down... coming down... slippin and a slidin and hoo-bop (not) such a long time ago... along with plenty of jumping and a jiving too. It's enough to intimidate the shit out of most people... who might not have the visceral understanding that the ineffable is in control of everything, which is going to result in a lot of agents from The Dark Side having their balls set on fire.
I was told this morning that despite all the negative appearances... on the passing face of existence... a series of REALLY GOOD THINGS... are going to be showing up soon. Whenever the towers and citadels of Evil begin to disintegrate... you get a lot of hostile barking and threatening gestures going on... so that it starts to look like after hours at a Maori Lion's Club dinner. This is similar behavior to what happens when you corner a rat. I advise against this. It's better to herd them.
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