I know two wonderful people from Monticello, KY. They live(d) in a beautiful... ramshackle house high above a lake. The man's brother lived a hundred yards away or so. I spent a couple of days with them during a road trip... before I came West. Seems like a long time ago now.
I had to search and search, but... eventually, I found a single email that I knew was the right one. I'm waiting on an answer now. I can't find any news about the town. Maybe it's not even there anymore. They live in a national forest. It is very nice. (this part of the post was written last night.)
So many people killed... so many people murdered by The Deep State and The FEMA death squads. First came 9/11. Then came The Killer Vaccines. Now comes the climate change... geo-engineered storms. Death is a real growth industry, and... it doesn't seem to matter if people object or protest... the killing goes on. A literal genocide is taking place in Gaza, while my temporal government asks if there is anything they can do to help them perform their genocide. The Crass Media calls the mutilated, the dead, and the dying... terrorists because they are not pleased with having their nation stolen from them.
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