In this election, the issues are the difference between all-out depravity and living an orderly life. When you distill it down... that's what you get, a grotesquerie of excess leading to moral bankruptcy or... living in alignment with the principles upon which the nation is founded. I am not implying we have always lived up to that, BUT... the effort has to be in that direction or... you are doomed.
That is what a greater influence of The Usual Suspects involves... whether it is Babylon or The Weimar Republic... they are ALWAYS promoting a state of degeneracy. It is a religion with them. Their spiritual leaders own pornography centers, websites, and sex toy industries. An old AshkeNAZI couple in Brooklyn owns The World's largest gay sex website. If it has to do with selling anything having to do with carnal engagement, they... are... there.
It is not just facilitating perversity, it is also about controlling the academic perspective on the human sexual climate; Freud... Reich... trending from there to the smut of Al Goldstein and names too numerous to list. It's all about the single focus on The Material Plane. Communism is a natural outgrowth of that mindset translated into dialectical materialism.
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