It's all about a crisis of faith. When there is wiggle room... then there is stress. You are either fully committed and... on board or... confusion ensues. You can't have a foot in both camps. What if the plates start to move under you? The Colossus of Rhodes is not standing anymore, and all that is left of Ozymandias is his head; at least that's what Shelley said.
It is interesting... from my perspective... to see the fear... the panic, and the rage or... the fear... the rage, and the panic. However, it comes about. One leads to the other... if any of them are sustained. It is the same with Lust... then anger... then self-loathing. Things go in series... emotions follow one another... like links in a chain. Everything is connected, but... you already know that.
There are a lot of things we know or... think we know... that have become ingrained in our thinking patterns. We take them for granted, but... they might not have been true, to begin with, or... they may no longer be true now. We might believe something in a general way but lack the critical specifics. Fear is like that. It causes aberrations in the thinking process. It brings a heightened anticipation, but... not in a good way.
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