I am often in wonderment at the conclusions people come to for why events take the course they do. They seem to have no understanding of history or human nature; always seeing things in the short term, and... not how they turn out to be... over a longer reach of time.
Perhaps, it is the nature of a material age that people have so little faith in... or awareness of... a divine being. They believe... somehow... that physical objects and temporal power are greater than the power of The Divine. They grant... in their minds... a greater power and efficacy to supposed shadow groups of unknown players than they do to The Invisible Spiritual Hierarchy... that actually does rule human affairs in the same way that The Sun rules the sky in daytime. I might add that The Sun also rules in nighttime as well because The Moon would have no light... absent The Sun.
HOWEVER... if you are entranced by the power of The Sun... manifesting through moon filters, which are a kind of sunglasses... that people operating under certain influences like to wear... because they put that glorious shine on a rounded behind. At the high end, you get poetry, at the low end, you get perversity and crime.
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