Mitch McConnell... AKA, The Big Freeze and The Wandering Man... AKA, Joe Biden have apparently made plans to journey to that far country that no one can remember. See any patterns or trends here? I do. I see them all over the place these days. Now that Pluto has gone into Aquarius for the next twenty years... while leaving Capricorn... which is a whole other thing... you can expect a good (and not so good) amount of topsy turvy... and bottoms-up Buttercup to be going up and down in spontaneous WTF to come.
I am often amused at astrological predictions because most astrologers see the implications of the arrangement of the planets... houses... and signs very different from me.... when I even bother to look in that direction... which would be... somewhere outside of me. That is not surprising because most astrologers see the trends and patterns differently from each other, no matter how many of them are swinging a dead sphinx in an empty pyramid.
The planets represent archetypal forces that are both inside and outside of us. They have specific meanings and general meanings and... it is always a matter of where you are standing and... the direction you are facing that determines what you see.
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